Friday, July 12, 2024

The Four Corners of the Universe (Pillar of Hercules)

 God had taken us from the Garden called a part of this Heaven Hearth that had three dimensions fixed to the bottom and to the stars above that made a spiral stairwell up into Heaven and the four corners were lifted into Heaven. and then a blessing had occurred amid the four corners came a fifth corner. and within this fifth corner or the element-time stood still and was the secret to Roger's creation the Fifth dimension the Fifth Firmiment the Fifth Heaven, and the Fifth Hour stood at hand beside the fourth who is at hand with the Third Heaven and World. but time had been given to Roger for a short time, so the center of Heaven had given their place to the US that became the Fifth Heaven; the fifth world that had moved from Central America unto Northern America as a Fifth corner was placed in the center of the four corners area and in the center of three Continents of America that Old Serpent called the Devil.

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Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)

Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...