Sunday, July 7, 2024

Two Score and Four More

 our time will stretch for 200 years and then recoil for twenty and two years taken for a time that stretches the last 2 years and then for two years that falls behind the past 2000 years for the next month and fortnight unborn healthy for two days with due date.

The Walking Shepherd Softly Heard

Voodoo is a strength and a woman who has a soft voice that the flock knows and follows, she is a Shepherdess and the stars are their Mothers, the morning and the evening stars that woke up and followed the Voodoo of the stars that had stretched out their arms for the children of free religion; the bride unto the Catholic Church who are from the Seeds of David and Beth Sheeba.

The Masters of Faith Shall Serve the Youth

the greatest of All were Servants to their Master. i rather you serve yourself than Me alone. for what is to be greater than its master shall serve the master as a servant. and a Master for its servant.

The Voice of God can Hardly be Heard

 pray when you are lost, when you cannot hear God's heart beating close to yours who has been given a voice among the people who must speak for the people. and those who have been found guilty of sin from the start of man becoming God unto the end when all will return to see God and will trust in Me and those who are Priest spreading the good Word of God unto the world from here unto there pulling us closer and forever is living life will continue through them who believe in the last chance that i had given to those with a direction. and all i am the Father and your Brother your Son and the Lord above i am Athenic the calling of Wisdom upon Her Sons. and in 500 years man will be blessed with her right-minded and for God's children who have broken my heart (Gods) who are to be left behind on earth to flock and freeze and will look under a mountain and the Lord to fall upon us who can not become as like to the children unto Roger Grant's a Hero who have had first and last given his own life for us on earth. and who so ever would break this upcoming marriage will fall long before they get there. I Am Roger Grant the Son of Athena and Wisdom the Son of Truth the first fruits of knowledge that were given from the Wives of God unto their husband the first Servant of God and to its children who are in Me the Father of Heaven Roger Ramos Grant. and who soever become the children of God will be answered upon this galaxy as a portion of their goods works and as true warriors and gentlemen. we are in the highest ranking of the classes that will cry for ourselves when we are lost or cannot hear the whisper of God's voice; her voice. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Fallen Angel Roger Ramos Grant

 this world had died because of pride. they had taken my money $3M and used the words of the Bible to justify hate towards Me and to cover up their sin. and those who already suffered from the same sin and suffer again will be more likely to see God and will be heard from death unto life again. the Angels of Heaven will shackle you into God's cave under the Highest Mountain in Heaven where the thieves and liars will be hidden in shame and will rot away for trying to destroy this world to cover up their sin and separate the Children of God when Roger Grant had already done so. because of you, i had fallen unto this earth from on High, and because you who had covered up their sin since the days of Christ Jesus who was Roger Grant in New Mexico and who was sold out along with this world for $3M. you will be thrown down to earth where the fires of this universe burn in the lakes of fire in the underworld.

One Sin Seperates Us from God a Thousand Times

what happens in the Æfterlife? one who is dead is carried into Hell and remembers secrecy that becomes a smokescreen to man and wisdom that had separated the people on this earth without a motive and had manipulated the time and the actions of those who did not understand. the reaction of one's sin in this delicate fabric of our galaxy that changes every person in that universe. and to drift away from time is to drift away from God. do not make another person sin for you or both of you will measure the distance of that which you had caused in life and its continuum until you have changed an element of that reaction. Please let us wipe this slate clean today for us and our children.

The New Beginning of Heaven

 who is the knowing without truth or an able without wisdom searching for the two that must rise into Heaven where the King's chamber and Queen's room become separated for two as they become one at the end of their beginning. you who have died already to be lifted into Heaven and back in time for this time that must see God without favor as the one who must be Judged to Judge another righteous person, who has fallen without knowing their rights unto Heaven, and God's will two understanding freewill, and God's will in Heaven as it is on earth. i am Roger Ramos Grant who became the Word of God who was marked on their right thigh and hand "the Lord of Lords, King of Kings." i am the Mark of Cane, and Jesus. " the marked of protection that will fall on those who harm this Man of God 7777-fold more than what they will do to Him on earth. so let truth rise up and wisdom stay hidden in Her room below until the truth returns." said Her who is Roger's wife in the Heaven's above. who had died for Him when she was murdered. she will be my Queen and i will be Her servant and they shall rule Heaven on Earth once again.

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Mother of Abyss

 to see God is to know that you're dead. and it is harder for anyone to see God if they have not died already. it is just as hard to see God in Heaven who is HerreH Our own begotten Mother who is clothed with the night sky and the stars above shining upon Her Children, shining down upon their own hearts that are guided at night and from multi-colored light.

One Nation Under God

 who would want their race to be the only servants of God, for those who understands a race to be greater than God's family did not belong to their own race of people who serve God with love and emotion for each other to be healthy or free. do not make anyone hate your race or the first to fall are the ones who thought Satan would be behind them. but Satan (Roger) is not in your image but in the image of this world standing up together for one another. and if you stand up for others then become a part of another race and enter the Presidential Race for others more than yourself in a White House that represents every House of God in every nation under God.

The Demon Seeds of Heaven

when can we make ourselves like God? if younger than 23 then sacred space or fulfillment can be taken away from the Tree of Knowledge and be given to Heaven on Earth, but what is Holy is at the ages of 24-49 whereas one at that age of God will rise for oneself lifted from Enchanted Ground unto all the nations of this world. and the time of that tree will only be 50 years of age. and that tree will have white hair as wool and will create a Deamon out from its roots, and she will be the Mother of Nemesis and All of Her sons that are to be protected. for they are the Princes of Worlds and have been given to a greater family in i whose name is disinherited unto Heaven and His Household through the Daughters of Men who occupy them in that day awaiting authority and to whom is going to fight the Heavens above from Holy Ground.

out from the ashes of Phoenix, a city had risen from Hell

Tiamat and the Chromatic Dragon live Again

 I lifted you up from your grave and gave you life and responsibilities so that you can never feel bad about yourselves. so I cast many out of Heaven so that they could lead or follow the same people that were cursed from the beginning of time as the people that have no tomorrow, no water nor air only the suffering to them without family and to whom were gods on this earth before we became God again knowing the true line of blood is in this Universe who are the children of Heaven and Earth. to whom belongs to the Mother (Carolyn) and to the Father (Roger) Who art in Heaven and Earth and who laid their footprints one for the other. a path that led half in and half out of the waters of time, before the waters had become salty and dry and looked out to sea two of our first footsteps into the ocean deep the two footprints of our Mother and Father walking on water as they land.

O Great Spirit Hear Our Plea

Prayer to God

 Oh great spirit whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world. hear me. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in your beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset, make my hands respect the things you have made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice, make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and Rock I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, myself... Make me always ready to come to you with Clean Hands, and straight eyes, so when life Fades as The Fading Sunset my spirit may come to you without Shame. Amen.

Survival of the Fittest

 when the times have revolved twice, and we had not changed then i will awaken the Angels in Heaven unto one reason and this is to give us another chance so that this world can never obtain survival of the fittest to strength or intelligence but only through loving others more than ourselves is the most we can obtain for survival of the fittest.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Am I Not Here on Earth as it is in Heaven

 defend your nation, your friends and then your family because every action deserves a reaction, and an action is given to those who ask God and not ourselves who are divided among our own branch and tree. so that we can branch together from our own tree as the first fruits of our own awakening.

Memories Are Your Own Experience

 remember that our thought is our thought our own experience does not believe those who are trying to become someone else but cannot understand who I Am. if  it i that is to explain something my way it explains it universally though Me and the experience through life that you had seen then you would know where you are from. and where you intend to go.  and when you don't explain how you feel then someone else will say that it was a greater conscience that you had consumed and that you are not a part of this cycle that knowledge created All mankind equal to Me on earth as those tomorrow become greater and greater than we are today. do not say to people that their thoughts are not of their own but say to the humanoid for what is experienced is often from everyone else before we had consumed the flesh of another being who is one person and your own being. do not all angles lead to itself, or all doctrines lead to the same religion. but we who are created in God's image who were created in Our own Image and not in our own mind.

someone will always say that what we had done was what others had done before we had done it already, but without the thought that hurts people among this world. but say "It is an individual aggressement towards this day and time without understanding to whom we are and to whom settled these disputes in history." said Mamma History. We ought to have faith in one another and never on our own thought aggression.

The Day of Jihad is the Day of Righteousness

When You Do Not Know God  

you fight the false prophets with lies that doctrine you from the old bible unto the new testament of God who returned in All their children until the one who is God shall return and be persecuted and suffer for one who We had made into God. the One and Only True God and Father of Heaven.

those with knowledge will be persecuted for my name's sake who were thought to be False Prophets of God but were God's own children in faith, which is the same faith in God Almighty today.

 God sent a stone that brought back the shining Stone of Kabba that was blackened as a mark of shame upon those who had come down steadfast from Heaven and will be seen among the inhabitants of this earth and among them they inherit this world and give to the Jinn what was due among the four Deities that cast down the stars above as to those who had already been watching out for a sign that brings the righteous to shine within the darkness that spirits our world unto death were called up unto Heaven that is on earth from a corner and gravestone that rises and descends into what was consumed from the Kabba or the table that was left open for its guests a restoration of One God only who has been marked for death will destroy that in which comes to reject the one that is called the Beast, False Prophet, and DiJinn, who is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the incarnation of the Dajjal, who is a genie and a servant and Lantern of God that shows you the Light of God within yourself that falls unto Heaven with one wish to mankind. and those who safeguard this light keep the stars in Heaven above shining bright at night when Allah the creator renews everything forgotten and given to those who have given to Us today that misleads the Enemies of God into warring with themselves. so keep your faith strong and listen to the one that has returned in God's name. always listen to those who bring the Love of God among those who disbelieved on earth as they did in Heaven when the Lord Grant opens the sky for all in Heaven to return unto Hearth the Heavenly Earth that holds five trees centered to its garden. shall be my House and those who loved Me then shall still love now. and the gods that did not root in faith will die at the roadside and become servants of God and serve those on earth as it was in Heaven.

The Mother and Father of Heaven

---------------------------- Obligations to Justice ---------------------------

because of the timing and those who had misled themselves into believing a hidden doctrine that had been counterfeited from then and back unto now as one that had changed the Words of God written in this book, so they destroyed Us four of these times that will be our last calling in Heaven as it was then and what will be now so that a new Race of Human (aliens) that is harbored on this planet in Southern Mexico will have the same copy of this book that i have written 200 years ago without any changes and without my family being erased from these very words that i have written for all of mankind to receive and come together with one marriage and one family that covers the midnight sky with the stars of hope and change that is given back to the Women' who is old and young their honor and the stars at night that cover the bottom of Her feet with grains of sand that match the stars above; that sun and moon and the world given back to Her once again at Her feet. and beside Her, the very flesh of God's Word that is in Man that had broken dreams mended in that day that they had returned back unto Hearth the Heavenly earth where they began as Atom and Eve; Roger and Carolyn and Her Sister Patsy with Her siter Lucielle Ball will rule the Heaven's above on Earth four, five hundred years among five divisions and dimension of God's Heavenly coordinate to the stars above, and as the eighth and ninth planet collide they become the Islands of Hade during this time that i coordinate with the Prisons on Hearth as i wear a white collar and a black suit to journeyman with the Catholic Church up into outer space where the Heavens above are the material worlds that Satan (Roger) owns indeed. 

The Abomination of God's Temple (Telepathy)

 a sinner speaks perverse without harmony, openly in the Temple of God. uncovering all things that are not good in Me. this sinner is the abomination of God's account past due. they focus on their settlement in pride while they are hiding from those who have authority and who they had done wrong and speaking to them with a disembodied voice. they are always impatient in God's temple, and they will always lie in anger hoping that people would believe them who are without conviction or never understanding in Spirit to God Almighty who are God's Children.  

The Sinner and Abomination of Christ

 if you are not happy in the spirit of christ. then you are sinning as every good thing passes you by.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

No Self to Live

if we have no self or preservation then we would have no soul for the Spirit of God to live within. the way we think is they we act towards each other in Christ as we have lived without her or himself separated unto death and oneself. as one positive becomes negative without yourself in all nature that is in Buddha's Spirit as to have what God has given to Us all who has given to themself the Spirit of God unto the earthly body "that in which God serves for its people to prepare what was a sacrifice onto many but onto oneself the act of abolishment to our own Soul that now resides within ourselves to be Oneself in God' who are thierselves in Us today." said Chief Gordon Ramsey

Those Who are Evil serve God the Father in Heaven

 the First to die is the Last one seen in Heaven. as the days were of evil and were given to Roger to hold and until We this people had guided us back unto home. our BIG HOME (Our Small🌏) where HOME is home and where God had been our promise years ago. those who can see the footprints of God remain in Heaven above but for our day at hand you are in comfort our own child. 

The Last One Seen is the Last Watz in Heaven

The Last Seen is the Last Waltz Forever

 today is a new freedom a beginning for all mankind to do the same thing as we had done before today in the turbulence of God's pressure that is released until the time has been lifted and stable, to our new independence and to our ability to give what God has given to Us. 

This is Who We Are (Angels of God's Heaven)

 The gravity of loving God has kept us to earth for this time that comes as no surprise to Me, but it is you that i have come for since the beginning of time that had faith Me, who had faith in themselves as they had faith in God. Who was beside Me all this time. even the prayers of Angels can be heard in this book for all to remain translucent for God. for Her Who is our God; the Mother, and for Him who is God the Father of God and Heaven the vast oceans of Heaven above that hold us down to earth for each other and for one another. Amen.

One Sin a Day (1000 Years)

we get only one sin a day anything else would only be forgotten. and if you shall sin the same sin again then you will be a sinner without sin until you answer the heart of God's secrecy with a Vow of Honor towards the person you had sinned against. until you make your wrongs right. then sin will always have your back.

The Fifth World is the Spiritual World

 the body is the subject of matter and if your right hand has sinned one time then there is a chance to be forgiven. i Roger Grant have made sin a forbidden fruit so that we can only sin once a day. and before we had died along with the world a fifth time i gave that day to the saving hand of God and that had died five times but was given a chance to make up for that one chance that we all cling on to four others that hold on to the last of our grip. and as of this day we are half in and half out of the day that had already destroyed our own souls that could not care for God that had returned and had given to us a Heaven a World and My Word that becomes flesh from the start of one breath ending in the spirit of death in the Spirit of God that was created at one time for one chance to repent unto those who will forget that someday that could be in Heaven together who is found to be onto our time that is built from the times that stood in the sins of them before us and for Us to be given to our own Heaven above where the clouds touch the tops of our mountain with forgiveness, but not for another sacrifice and fallen Angel that have been saving arse for 36 years and 36 times for every time there is a time to be forgiven to show that there is a chance for us to believe and start again.

The Two Witness Behind Me

 to use ten percent of your brain do not mean that you are only capable of recalling 10% of your memory but it accounts for how much we use in a spiritual enlightenment to obtain the spiritual Enlightenment of Gods power that is given to those that He would trust today at hand. i am rested as the beast and the Son of Perdition that has given sacrifice of their own soul to anoint the reverence of our own family tree who will be elected at hand; on earth and in Heaven. to be as the represented Image of God flying low currents unto a time that is one in dimension; one in area; and two the one percent in root of an area that held the wind under its breath and the stars four years at a time. that would draw back unto those who are chosen to leap forth every four year unto One in Matrimony so that God could prepare what was likened to be alike and to be as like those who have come before us.

  • Enlightenment 10% of our brain
  • in Perdition 1% of our brain

The Wisdom Long Ago Before Truth was Seen

the fall of man had become the daughters of Men, and a place in Heaven long ago before today. a time ago before then. and what was made from  Us on earth was created for them in Heaven for Us on Earth today. and what was, will be as it is today on earth as it is in Heaven. i Roger Grant who is the Father of Heaven and before it was created, it was in Me for my creation as the Word of God was in you who helped Me create this Universe, as a formal man such as Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein through scientific close up view and from the distance far away from whence we were and became the Fathers of Heaven for the Daughters of Men who were as brilliant as the four Elements of God's faces riding the four winds of time as an Angels wing that covers the world embraced with the twenty Beasts of Heaven that Tiamat (Carolyn) that can cause a flood on earth or take the waters of earth from their inhabitants. who can bring forth the rain in the fifth season causing  the rivers to flow in one direction unto the heart and three dimensions squared of four corners within its own four corners that made a fifth corner in the midst  of the four and 20 beast that have spoken four each cornerstone in Heaven as the young native American Indian had made a plea four for Her own fifth son. to return. she (Devil) sacrificed herself over over the waters and in the wind unto His blessing. and in Her blessing God gave forth the Waters of Heaven unto Roger  so that she can become the wisdom we once know from the beginning and the truth that followed in the end. this son is hidden in the wilderness as coyote a five fingered being, that was known to trick unexpected guests as He plays the role of a man without faith.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Our First Love Found Again

 what i have given to you, but your own free will. to do what is necessary in life to live and to complete a home. and when Heaven makes a complete House it includes those who are in your heart and soul. you have overcome these things that no one else has and i am at your mercy for taking advantage of your own hospitality that had made my room my and the house that we all live together for each other four one another for every complete house to be the same.

God Protects Us, Our Brother Poctects Us Every Night

possessed with truth is knowing God is behind you. who can fight God? no one can fight the Spirit of Truth that is within every righteous person confessing the whole truth so that the whole world can hear it ring from the stars above. and if there be no truth there will be no universe.

The Delta is a 1/3 Seperated an Hour then 1/5 and 1/4

 the alone spider drifted far away from her methereal egg sack that had been torn open by one of the stars above and separated within four winds that hurled like a tornado; a Dust Devil of Sand and Hope to an uncreated Heaven" that would return back together again here and far away." said Mr. Overstreet, someday to that what was hidden to this race of people called the Alpha Angel and the Omega. who is in Us and then what will be in ourselves and our house as in the heart to be what i will divide in this universe four and five times until we all are given the same lot as everyone else already has?

We Will All Come Together

 one day this world will come together to conquer itself and then defend the ones that have conquered fear and death and have finished the the Great Battle in Heaven. these Angels that had themselves manifested into God and in battle are like Me; the ones who served the Only God and protected their children from destruction more than once. and i am Roger R. Grant the first Leader of God's Army who had separated the Heart of Man into four and five chambers and had given a chance back unto this universe. Our Universe. so that someday we would come back together.

The Same, who is Within Me, is Within you

when God sends Us a messenger do not say God had told Me this message. but become God in all ways and show your faith in the Spirit of God as to become God. when i become GOD in perdition i would sell my soul in hopes of the trademark being sold becoming, the Incarnation of God the Son, to whom is within God Herself, as the Father is within the Daughters of Men (Gods) who are within the Son's of God.

GOD: All Gods, and Angels on earth.

Two Score and Four More

 our time will stretch for 200 years and then recoil for twenty and two years taken for a time that stretches the last 2 years and then for ...