unto God it is this spirit that sets us free and unto man her hand that brings us freedom and then to our family our captivity as one would bring us this day our daily absence one shall also be recovered from the loss and unto one a second and a third that becomes as one and unto them many more many more unto them as we are today god has given us our freedom to go in peace to separate yourself from the kingdom its empire and its fellowship for all to understand one priest is not the man given without God's permission but unto us and permission for God to receive we are not one as the other but one frees us for the other and unto one God became and unto us many more. amen.
The Waters of eternity belong to God Her Majesty of Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge, the very essence of our life giving force through nature and harmony. She is the Daughters of Men and the hand of God who saved us from tomorrow, and for today. She is the Dragon that rises out from land to sea. She is the Mother of Earth and Heaven the womb or Her Children and the flight of Buddha who is the Charismatic Dragon riding upon Her back to the Wilderness where he will be groomed. written by Roger Grant
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Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)
Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...
One God is Allah the Lord of All Heavenly names. the Judge of Heaven on Earth. the flash of light given instantaneously without reason or t...
the fall of man had become the daughters of Men, and a place in Heaven long ago before today. a time ago before then. and what was made from...
today we are Satan's Stand in trial of our own mistakes, that can not heal the public or even ourselves. we disguise ourselves in the li...
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