before the day had met the night through the truth that had not met or seen wisdom before the heart could call out Her name. the truth was long forgotten before it would know wisdom and before it would know its own truth. man knew the truth but did not know that wisdom had lied in wait for him as truth and wisdom was plucked from the rib of man's cage in captivity that had set freedom besides Her independence and liberty. where the right Hand of God are the ones left behind Us marked; the ones that protect those who are right in front of Us paving our path into the future.
The Waters of eternity belong to God Her Majesty of Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge, the very essence of our life giving force through nature and harmony. She is the Daughters of Men and the hand of God who saved us from tomorrow, and for today. She is the Dragon that rises out from land to sea. She is the Mother of Earth and Heaven the womb or Her Children and the flight of Buddha who is the Charismatic Dragon riding upon Her back to the Wilderness where he will be groomed. written by Roger Grant
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Our Destiny and Arrivalry
The first Waltz shall last Forever
the two witnesses who were before me are the two i have sent into this world to testify on God's true behalf. to open what was sacred in every Household's, Mind, and Body that still stands perfected in God's presence. the grace and period given to us in the presence of Wisdom and Truth that can only change the past and future wells that we had set today as the rivers of dark water were separated in two rivers. one that travels to the north where the past starts and the other that travels south of clear waters that i Roger Grant had created after the clear waters of wisdom had darkened the waters of the sea filled with truth and her wisdom that had returned to the north from whence time goes by so slowly unto Her where the future can be seemingly only among Her in that day that we all have been called night and day that fell from man's times that we had set from the beginning of GOD's Time that had started before what was, is, and what will become the same as it was then. i Roger Ramos Grant have created this day for you and gave nothing to my own on earth this is the trust that i had created in our image the dreams and dreams of those who are still dreaming and praying for us to succeed in calling this our own. the two wittiness that i have set for tomorrow to come.
the WELL of WISDOM are the clear waters flowing southwardly. and the WELL of TRUTH are the dark waters that flow northernly.
Two Pearls in Hand
The Creation of This Universe Our Creation Today
Roger Created 80 ink wells that God can use to explain the Perditious way. that had cleansed their temples seven times before the last one had moved in. and these are seven Wives of God who became Deamons of the night. seven Legions, and seven days of destruction that must fall upon those who have taken life from its own homes and rearranged them to be as their own. O lonely man i bring forth in you Her's Sons; God the Son, and the days that must rain with blood when Heaven avenges those who testified against God's two messengers. who had taken forty dimensions invertedly stacked one behind the other and one before the other one was stacked. a pearl necklace that was taken from a deluge that had swallowed forty moons and then forty more days and nights that followed. the waters that washed Us away five times because these people could not understand peace nor any place in Heaven. God had destroyed the worlds of those who were going to destroy Roger. but God caused a great flood to inhabit the planets that we now inhabit within 400 years withstand the House of Pasty and Carolyn Grant the House of Kingdoms and Empires. that stood as a shield and spear.
time returns and repeats itself time after time until the InKeys of the PenDragons well become 40 steps up and then down in two Gibeon's well and into the Motherwell which returns just as well to Sirius (Alpha) and (Beta)
Saturday, June 29, 2024
The Passing Over the Stars
this creation was built up by the Angels in Heaven Who are in Charge of Us as i am on earth so shall they have charge in Heaven. said Robin William the first man of the House of Grant what God had considered was the light coming upon our own head that was made for understanding and the Lord had given us the woman and time to understand that Roger had undiscovered was the Heaven on earth as it will be in the Heaven's above said the first and last House of God who is Kiesha
Wisdom and Truth Separated Their Own Way
Who are We to confuse the language of these Gods on earth that was separated from their own beginning when their own world was separated from two different agendas that had two different Heavens. one was a woman the other a man and they were separated early for one reason and that was to know that the two were different growing up but equal to every gender, nation or tongues that only one can speak of living truth of One God in Him to whom is the Chosen on Earth and in Heaven. and if you men would be likened as Gods, then you are the Sons of God just as you who are daughters of men are also Hosts of God's eternal body and as you were in the Sons of God, so did man become the Armory and Sword of God's every tongue that was forged in the Fires of Hell with every spirit and element crafted for the Czar; for the Kingdom and Empire to give our hand unto Her (Japanese Princess) that speaks for the times that were here and there tomorrow within our Heavenly body that had given its spirit unto the children called Annu Naga. the children of the rising star the first-born children of Abraham and unto them four and the five Angels that open the gates of many rivers flowing over from the east where the sun rises unto the west where she sets three, four the Champions of Immortality that will yield the third Sword of Empires that hold three Pearls of Wisdom in hand.
Wisdom Will Shut its Eyes to Truth
to my wives who are Heaven it is your first name that is placed at on every house that stretches from our twin galaxy Andrameda unto the Milky Way and the bosom of God and below its canopy is where the fruit is fresh and hardened above its chasm filled with nectar that turns itself into sweet honey as elixir. they tell to come into garden a taste all the fruit of this garden to tell them who tastes the best. it took me two seasons in that garden just to let them now that the sweets of that garden must remain fresh so i forbid anyone from going into that garden center and taken the fruits thereof.
Friday, June 28, 2024
The Hospital STAT
the Lord had taken Me to another part of the Universe that had the Hospital come to the patient. a spaceship that can go anywhere they are needed far away.
Above and Below
The Elect of God
the beast will come into this world with authority for He knew that His time was shortened. and those who were to recognize the number of the beat to be a man's number who have taken it upon themselves as a sacrifice to earth and Heaven. but the nations under God will be understood when God has given them authority to rule this world and they fight against the beast who is Roger Ramos Grant. and they will lose for what was never to be an example of God's trust can never be outdone unless they were the one coming as foretold/. will they then hide among the the people to carry on their day that will be destroyed. they thought that if they would destroy the earth everything would be reset. and many people had changed their point of view to be with them to be with their own skin color before i had told them who they were or who they are before i tell a story of two races that had been one before the beginning was given to the same exchange of skin that was black or white in that day fighting for an unable cause of destruction shall also be white and black for that reason to come within itself in harm for abomination and after one as well that did not know who they were because God had stricken them to be the same man or woman in that day to be the same enemy fallen in their day had to change or become a hated citizen among its people. and as i Roger Grant had made the universe for our renewal some will say otherwise because of their shame and the chance that was given unto one alone that has many colors of skin and peace within.. and those who authority yo those who are in positions to change the world because of an electoral vote among its people shall stay within office unless they resign. it is easier to fight something you thought was wrong when you did not know of God's patience and glory which justifies the reasons that we elect some of God's measure unto the places God had been before. or treason will become the first reason to be populated in divisions that change the culture and politics into a division that separates true change. and if one of the citizens can not vote then within due process or law We the people and citizens of that nation should never vote for change or be granted an order or an understanding for only themselves and not the whole public or image among God's people to whom had been awaiting this blessing to occupy the nations under God who never understood chance or a new beginning that was given by its own people and church beside them who are sacrificed freely unto a nation that never cared for them a nation that was greater than its own occupation or the children that had been out from the hearts of those who are ignored and suffer from the ignorance that once plagued this nation shall now be healed through the one voice that becomes the voice of it people shall be heard among all nations under God . a vote of a new government is revolutionary and can only lead two over ruling governments that must take over our own newly established government at hand that will manifest unto Gods will that will vote for offices to know that they were anointed from the beginning of our time* unto now as the representative of God and nation. and to carry on the same duties old and new according to the outcome of every vote counted to change people's burden unto one complete vote that would be equivalent to God's word. the true Word of God that no one now can dispute. when all would agree it becomes the TRUTH OR THE NATURE OF GOD revealing itself through one who has been helping us on earth to understand the Word of God or truth such as Roger has done.
You Shall Worship Them God Only
in my name, (Roger Ramos Grant) it is restricted to know the definition, but it means the Word of God that protects you. the Armory of God. i have protected you with the sword of God four hundred years. no man can say the truth but only the bread of God that had given itself to you. who among you will fall into Hell knowing that Roger had come to protect us as a shield and spear that keeps life separated to life and spirit and one should never tempt the Lord of your God. it is a sentence of DEATH and SUFFERING.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
The Betrayal of the False Prophet Who is God
who is stillborn without breath will be given no Words to Speak nor will any of them at all see God's chance for those who have changed Us will go out in the same way they had come. and without any mercy, they will suffer eternity in the fire of God's spirit, which unleashes the beast of Heaven. i will let them suffer for their deeds on this earth as a God and a Friend who had thought they were better than everyone else until i had their ticket punched for their trials on earth that brought forth only gain to them who would sell their own souls to Me but were afraid of Me. the ones that had betrayed Me unto this world for $3,000,000. that recedes the debt from then unto now the doubt of your own family tree bearing no fruit. that was never going to be taken from Me again and i had given to these five days the time that must be returned unto Me that had killed the world for its ignorance five times or five thousand times to be exact. while they knew us and kept us down because they were never going to be the Heavenly beings like Roger who had come from the Pits of Hell rising up out from of the ashes of earth that was laid to rest for God that had laid or leveled whole cities to rest. and as i Roger R Grant the Deamon Seed of Heaven that fights with the Dragon every evening, every time that she needs a Hero and Champion beside Her Majesty for the righteousness of Her own thrown down to earth to rise until the third of Heaven will completely shut them down into one Heaven below that is in the midst of Hell the lies of those who believed in a greater God than the God of Roger, the Father of Fathers within Heaven to bring down the rest of those who said they were Me; Who is the Devil Satan and the Seed of Abraham and the rock of our foundation; the protector of our faith; the religion of one tree created in Roger's Name. the Cotten Wood of God's Center Garden; the tree that Roger Grant had created from many trees that were grafted to this one man's genius that had pulled the stars out from their place and from the start or our beginning that broke that water of Her birth that suffered for the lies that they had created in abomination to kill the one that was hidden in the wilderness from and to Alamogordo N.M. where Hell was set and created for those who are unholy and have been following Roger Grant unto their death when the Serpent became the Root of All Evil, therefore, Roger became the holder of earth and the evil spirit that haunted man and woman together until that day i will return to change what was, is, and will always be given a chance that was left here to live, so Roger had cast out far away from all the things that made us like them who lied and murdered each other for their day is not unto Ours on Eath, and every time that was spoken about the one God; the true living God in Me. healing this world from what was done in return to kill us all on earth, it would be better for Us to never had been born if this force of nature became God. but Roger had taken the evil from this world and became the beast that would break the seals of Roger's stars above that called out to sin that called out to them who were better than the Lord of Lords the Host of Hosts who was is and will forever be Roger Ramos Grant the thought of Heraven coming to together within the remnant of Heaven on Earth who were saved for this to remember the testimony of Roger Grant.
An Inheritant of Mexico will Become the U.S. Presidente
the time is now when the Heavens had stretched out their own blanket among this generation that had seen many signs of this coming that Roger had been given to know the Father in Heaven are the stars above that gather together under the Sun of God's creation that had traded in from within this beginning that started everything as one in the same being that i had created for us to who are remembered for their deeds that can never had fallen for Me in such a way that i had to entrap them into their own destruction that was set from our beginning that Roger Grant had created for us to rule ourselves under the same sun that Allah had created when He was Roger R, Grant the only begotten of Heaven and had given into the redeemed the times that were in and the nature of all he start of every beginning that God held to its own white skin of the buffalo that held the three children before the they were sent down into river where Roger R. Grant had become a man and ruled from this world from this time that was given forever more through every Angel that had their name blotted out from the book of Life that i created for one name in Heaven as it will be on earth in the likeness of Her own children that held on to this day and Gospel brings forth the old and new unto one Heaven one body and one spirit oto whom will testify the grace period of God's time that was ushered in by the Father of God and Heaven. (Roger R, Grant) there will be a Native American Indian male that will become the Chief in Staff and the 50th President giving way unto a newborn citizen of the United States, that i have been looking for quite a while His name is Abraham and He is a good friend of mine who had already passed over and who was going to become the President of Mexico but God saw it fit to be our blessing today.
The Matrimony of God's Heaven
when the Dragon awakened she was only 14 and pregnant with seven children that were born from a virgin as she was on the days of monsoon to come. and the Lord spoke Latin unto these people, fornication, and lust until the day was soon to go away. then a child had been given birth to three different children that would bear the Mark of God's wrath during that rain given unto God; Nero Ceasars's son, the Birth of Kingdoms, and those children who are still unborn and given to birth secretly to a Race of God's children in a cave on the biggest planet of our space in Heaven that had been given birth pains too long to the sons of God that could not know or understand that if they had done wrong or if God would look upon them today so that they would say that we were weak but we are already dead just for giving birth secretly in a cave where most will not be seen again by their mother. you are my seeds and my children the next generation of explorers and peacekeepers. that had returned unto earth but had already left for this day to be at peace in Heaven. i am your Father and the only other love that is given to your Mothers to be safe and to be at your side when i Roger Grant will return through you. be ready for time to stand still and for your sisters to be at the helm when we rearrange and disassemble the Heavens above that must be reassembled. for this day i have confidence in you all that once we will all be at peace. we are thinking of every one of you returning home. thanking God every day for your return. for their return to earth that it is in the Heavens above. when we all have been invited for the Children of Earth to eat drink and to become married to each church for the light to appear in all religions for all people who have been saved for this moment in time that will become the Heavenly people as we did before this day had returned.
Our Daily Bread
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The Universe Had Returned Tree More Times
no war can open a relationship of peace, and i find that generation among the other children that were preferred or cuter to be loved without harm. it is easier to let them become friends with people that they do not know in this land than to see our hearts all broken again. the last war drew near the five islands that were separated in peace so in time let them remain in peace for the Asian boats and the American ships that sail from here unto there one more time for all states to embargo goods for sanction and international trade from within our own counters (online). money is not based on one's facial expression but on what returns are trusted. because the meanest of children are the cutest of babes. we all accept one thing and that is the older we are the uglier we can get. no matter what race or tribe we are from are all friends because we all had war with one another, at one time, or another. and it brings God to tears just to know who had been loving us long before we had returned.
Do Not Rape the Land or Children
the days that were taken are the days that we will spend in Heaven for your sake. let no one take you from yourself or the day will die. become lost without hope. giving birth to new offspring of children that made this day suffer once before. but the day will expel the little children that will cause us harm on earth. suffer yourself no more young lady for the day is yours to give away again.
The Beast of Heaven
He existed 1000 years before Christ Jesus existed and lived here in the Four Corners region that had died but still lives today among his people on earth. he was known as a black man to the Native American Indians who also called him a MONSTER or BEAST who defended the nations with honor. before that Christ ever existed.. and he is the same one then as he is now.
The Need For Others
Agnostic and Atheist Belief
They Believe in One God
to mediate upon scripture is to become God in all its nature. to understand the revelations of injustice and the entire future of the flesh that is in our own kind. to become Agnostic is to believe in a God that is above all certainty on earth but yet below us on earth, but the ones that never obtain truth are the ones that fight God. and aim at God to understand and change what can be changed, Atheist will fight God because the Atheist feels that one cannot save themselves from the Word of God that brings destruction to this world because Christians could not obtain enlightenment. but when God returns then they will answer to themselves all that has been said in God's name so that they would become a thief in the night because of a promise that was not fully understood until one would become the flesh and spirit of God who give everything to those who deserve it. and to those who kept the faith unto the end, unto the one that would return in your grace to measure everyone and thing in God the same.
Let the First War be the Last
for what serves the peace was already but yet eaten, so the innocent sacrifice that i have brought will rise into heaven as it was prepared by us on earth to be eaten among our own who were sacrificed as well, as a sacrifice unto us that had already been taken or eaten by the Great Spirit that governs all who have been sacrificed to void another conflict of interest.
The Reveille of God's Horn Appears
it is safe to say that every House and Home should be the same, every room and every space. and what should ever happen in that House should remain in that House. as to every tribe or tribunal there are the same laws that govern the truth in our universe or war may happen by not keeping it to all laws. whatever happens outside of that Home now becomes Tribunal Law and it is now Divine Justice that serves the peace though war and discouragement, then so be it, and if another shall be brought into this war then two worlds will collide and become dispersed and disseminated through martial law that upholds the peace in every congregation under cabinet. and what is not to be broken yields the spear of destiny so that one would protect this universe until they return. and it is the federal public that gathers within their own time to know the answers that fed everybody else but themselves will Hold this Spear of Destiny among the stars at night when we are asleep at Home in peace. the Federal branch will uphold the remnant of this evil until we are relieved, or for our duty unto Reveilles appear as the fallen of Her Angels that reappear to fight beside their men in the end.
Monday, June 24, 2024
to mask a prophecy is to keep the sacred secret alive and to testify about the Revelation of Jesus Christ that had this day that had come
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Life is Negitive or Positive
in life, there are only positives and negatives and what is given to a positive life either adds up or multiplies. if you distribute yourself more externally than eternally you are powered within God, and as you are in Me the Father of Heaven then i am in you alone. Who is, Who was, and Who will be the same on earth as you are in Heaven. but i must advise you that what we do to the Word of God corrupts the Word of God that is ONLY GOOD and not one word of God could be a meaning of flesh or of bone until God had spoken only to our spirits that are in God. (essence). our first love is the truth in significance that what was falsely true would pay twice the value as to what adds up in total.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
I Am the Armor and Sword and You are the Shield of God
there is only one way to save or preserve this world from destruction and that is through sacrifice. did we not die 5 times before we were sacrificed today. and to believe that i had come back unto sin a third eye so that one more time becomes one or two that may have lost their way. that's why i Roger R. Grant made the Western Gates of Heaven into a Hell where the eye and needle of the She-camel encircle Her Children before she can spit out words from on top of Her lungs before the Animals of War that remember fears without concern for ones own self but that of the children, now many more will return on earth for Her motherly instinct is to be the nature of the beast that has no horns nor place to make Heaven Her own. so what was cursed long ago was cursed through protecting us. for that one day that we were to awaken as God's people of renowned strength and a curse that i can now live with. knowing that i was well protected. and all the Saints of Heaven had taken their place behind Me so that i would always be protecting others who have sacrificed themselves to protect Us.
The Bosom of Abraham
time will return unto the one who knows that God's Almighty hand is beside them unto the end where time will be no more; where the Light of God shines upon Us every single day for the Love of All Angels that carries us into Heaven or into Hell a place where we go after the second death a place and time for those who had done good and were measured in stones to every word and to every truth that built up a Kingdom for God to rest in peace, but others had gone to war with stones that were cast into Weapons of God to fight with a Kingdom that was built up into Heaven like a tower that was built up high in Heaven but had fallen to earth brick upon brick; upon our foundation and good works that are upon the sweat of our brow, as the brick's of our labor and walls of a Kingdom standing beside an Empire that stood behind a wall of each other's faith that stands today in matromony and in season to what is below is also above hand in hand and foot per foot in the distance stars of Heaven that also must fall side by side until the first, second firmament touches the third firmament with Angels will kiss God to awaken Her or upon a cloud that are touching the Top of Mountains where the Mountain Gods or Annunaki rest in the Bosom of Abraham.
Friday, June 21, 2024
The Seeds of Abraham
i Roger Ramos Grant had changed the woman into the creature from whence she became God and one with every woman as God became the Son and the Father so shall you become the Seeds of Abrahan as to take time forward when father and son were going backward in time she would even live one generation more than man does but with the Grace of God she never knew who she was before she became God before We became the Children of God.
On the Day of Rest
who is going to deny the Lord on the Day of their rest? who is going to tell the creator of our universe that they are indecent, a liar, and a murderer. but if ye be Gods this would all be true. and the Lord would never have a place on earth until i had chosen a substitute in God's name to rearrange our order and new world. some who believes in the Father or Son of Heaven, someone to worship Us while we are gone into Heaven and make a name for ourselves there in Heaven as we did on earth. the flowing of sin is upon Us who live on this earth, as we do in Heaven. to believe in the one who brings the Word of God is the one who created this world as a universal pool of gravity that draws us closer to each other on earth as it will be in Heaven. so do not consider your own judgment on this one living person, do not consider that one person to be a sinner, for they are sinless and lawless among that people inhabitant to the earth. if one scripture shall be wrong in that Bible then that whole Bible is wrong. who is willing to put their soul and spirit into the Fires of Hell before they knew that God (Buddha) and the Devil (Roger) are one; just as the Father and Son are One in Christ or Spirit. we do the things that bring destruction upon Us on earth because we dare not turn an eye towards THE lORD OF lORDS who came as humble Prophet of God to learn about Himself and to learn about the Lord of All Heavens. so those who had died will be honored and those who worship the Lord will find disgrace in the way they had acted towards the Lord of Lords, many good people will pour their anger out onto these Christians that were out to destroy the coming of the Lord without their own knowing, but the Lord will send an Apostle of God; who is another one who He had been prepared three and a half years ago for them who did not recognizing their own Lord on that day of rest.
The Will of God is the House and Church of the Lord
God's House is Her Own, flesh, skin and bone. and Her days are shortened in haste for a time of progression for the times given before the last could succeed. and the House became the first and last daughters of Her husband's house that was divided between the first and last child of that Household given to God's children who are the other begotten Children of God's house, Our House. another way to look at Heaven is to look out of two windows and see three other Houses standing on each corner, and among them in the center. God chooses one among the three that is working in a garden center or a fifth corner that was made with four Corners outside of an area that made an Inner Circle of Heaven on the earth that does the Will of God's Church among their people or household.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
The Bells of Hell Will Ring Tonight
many will say He has come to free us alas! but i already judged those who God accepted as His own; the ones who stayed beside God and never knew God before in the days of their life. but still had love for someone that they had never seen before but still placed their trust in Me as i had put those who trusted God ahead of my own self. for those who could not imagine that God had separated us from ourselves to understand the likeness of all Heaven, and i Roger R Grant had chosen those before Me. while other did not think of themselves and still had done good, for their family. although they never knew Me, they still gathered among a deceased idol that understood, that what must happen will cause all misunderstanding and a chance to heal those who could not heal themselves from infections of ailment that held everyone down to Hell. and from Hell you shall rise one more time from out the belly of earth and onto this earth that i Roger Grant had pronounce from the dead unto the living Body of God's console that walks hand in hand. one by one into eternity. so that the little things we do in Hell or Heaven is to change our future for tomorrow. and when you hear the Bells of Hell ringing. then the times are changing,
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Angels of Death Upon Us
when i have spoken the day will open. the lines that we lay straight are more natural lines to spirittual growth for matter that what was still is an elemement that distorts any true straight line that man had laid down in nature or the flesh of every living element in reproof to prophecy for its essence and transition to appear on earth in every element that Speaks of God's existence through the presence of God 's spirit within a living person in perdition; a body or Soul filled in the Spirit of God of all understanding and knowledge. and when i Roger Grant became the Word of God. the voice warning them in desert to make our path clear for the Lord has made man into a mountain and the animal into the earth and the Creatures of Heaven into Women and Her Children into a Bosom or a Mountain that has fallen down to earth changing 1/3 of its inhabitants to be 1/3 in Heaven as it will be on earth. when the Angel of Death had spoken the Word of God life was created again and what was, is and will be the Flesh of God's spirit manifested right ahead of them who were left behind on earth to testimfy the Power and Glory of God upon a Mid Servant moving the mountains every Heavenly heart, mind, and body to earth.
Do Not Cry Without a Tear
when we had given the world to its own sacrifice the Lord had given a Cycle of Life and had given many planets that kept coming together from the Light of Gravity that held them in their sight. and the broken ones could get out of this gathering that drew in many planets to come forth in a pallette or a cube before the light exchanged everything good thing to become poor for more that what they wanted. and into the dark they were thrown into a void that could never be heard or seen from a open eye or communication that i had brought back so that they would open the eyes of thier own leaders and present them unto the Most High. the very things that make us strong are the very friuts of God's garden that i had taken over in an open disposition. try not to understand the things that i do just to testify in God's Holy Matrimony that i had destroyed many worlds that had False Gods and people who would only hurt the ones that believed in the truth. so in time that holds on to thought or action if not emotionaly blinded but the truth. if i had given them any power or authority they would know blight and repeating of destruction within this bottomless pit. but since they did not understand Me who has been in charge of this land long before they could even repeat the hateful times that came forth and rage knowing that we were going to become thier servants when they did not even have the Power in God unless Roger helped them through intervention. and for this day thier deeds and leaders are hiding inside a world of hope that need to survival but will fail because of a bloodline of thieves. and to do the things that they do in Our Kingdom are the things that get them plucked out of the light. for they would know who i am if i am the one gathering and seperating the things that were taken by another who had broken the gate and sowed there own seeds in our field the night before they had broken our gates three times in the past that i had made to keep us seperated in and out of Heaven while they would try to rule over Me Roger Grant as thier own servant. so unto them listen to what i say and no other can get you out of the places that God had collapsed over you. when God had showed the richness of His Garden thier people that dwell in it were at peace. but you had taken everything good and made it bad to worse, and now we are square in all dimenions? and the places that have been undone by your troops hold all hidden corners open in the darkest places, all hidden traces of living faces. we are an emergence that must be rise to the tops of all mountains as we renew the land unto our name to Grant life among any dead tree, or any blade of grass that was destroyed without God's permission. or without God's grace to be as they who are without God. so upon them i will destroy those who do not get on thier knees and pray for out loud for each other and thier own children that had fallen so far down in this pit that only change can come through destruction.
The Creation of Three Heavens
there are four corners in Heaven that hold up the roof of our Kingdom above the earth and its foundations of it within our own Kingdom below when Heaven was broken in two when the Lord had given Roger the key to salvation and upon the Church's approval i was worthy to accept this great honor for earth and for our universe. that is within or will be our Heavens on Earth. soon the winds will be our breath within our body that had become the bread and meat of man's creation to all above and below to hear my words spoken softly. to know our people have been carried in the wind through the desert at God's feet. let Me become your breath and speak the things that people understand. let Me stand alone as i sow the seeds of our generation that must come to past. hoping that one would be the first and last of Champions among our New Worldly Order that is given to help all peoples children remain challenged without being a force of nature that gathers in the four winds to lift as a spiral stairwell into Heaven from Sante Fe New Mexico up to the top and bottom of all firmaments that bring four spirits, winds, corners, Heavens all together to make a fifth corner in the center of days that were darkened with three moons, planets and systems and when one moon was to show its day for earth the day was given to others as well after a 1/3 day of that month should show a moon twice on the second month then the system has completed one universal season (1000 years) a third planet and time measure for (250 years) which would be a galactic season and the days were drawn in to ours in heaven as to sow in one crop with two other unknown crops beside our own. i call this the third or (1/3) fifth or (1/5) and fourth or (1/4) Heaven that had come together in a great gathering and we had gathered for three as well. because we created Heaven today in that day before the Holy Books were to remind us of Who we were in that time for all of time. four years, one leap year. one generation, five leap years that are like one minute on earth as it is 1000 years in Heaven. it's only been 5-6 minutes since the beginning of our new time on earth had started. let us take our time and realign our planets with Roger's generosity at hand.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
The Third of Heaven Remains Pure
and a third marraige was open until the Father of Heaven had brought a fourth marriage in two existence that becomes One Marriage. a war of three armies were to come together in one land and fight for the right to marry one virgin that will procede out from the enemies heart and from the stones that are to fill the gates of Heaven unto the day we all have died. and i saw the enemy from the bottom of this mountian that looked like a prymid all the way to the top of this tower that was to save man kind from harms way but the tower brought many suitors and not one could testify for this riddle exept the one who came with three sons who all drowned in three rivers as the the fourth one did too. but after the fourth child to die the fifth one was preserved in acave where only the mother would know. the mother of this earth said that she would sacrifice herself instead of her fifth son being sacraficed. and so it was to be a sacrife of the Mother and son together as a virgin and woman given the flesh and spirit to know and succeed. she was only 14 and the planet the same age and petite body that was to be loved by a Father and the Son of God as well who is to be our surrugate parent or a harelot. but she she is our mothers sister and companion. but one was seperated and made to go into the wilderness for peace but that when the children of that land welcomed them from a place of five kingdoms were the five kings were back in pursuit of that child that was in the wilderness. so that thier God would be in control until one was save by the Mothers of Heaven who is the Mother of Roger and the Virgin Mary. (Redeena)
On Earth as it Will be In Heaven
Hear What The Devil Has to Say
"I am the first and the last to bear witness over another man's harm to others while doing good to themselves, there is no reminder how we role in the underworld to be our own foolish game of seek, and to whom we open to our pocket as to take one anothers hope to see ours sky rocket? Is that whats going into Heaven is about? Only loving yourself on earth so that no one can pay the same prtice for freedom." said Mr. D.
The Father Only Knows
no one day will go by without knowing who i am and what i had done to our world through enlightenment i found most of my days learning about who i am and what should i do when i reveal myself. but that is all up to the Father who is Me again, and to filful these prophecies is to fulful the end of days. and i am not sure we are ready to see our own image in the mirror some are distorted being physical and some are not but show the beauty of that person within the spirit that lives forever on the inside today, to be the beauty of our outer appearence as well. when mother needed no appearence to know her children look the same and that Her children are the same, and we are just the same in all of thier hearts, we are so pure that one can not gaze out from the inside , to know what was peeping inside out is still peeping in from the outside, in.
The Black Dragon and the Lakes of Fire
pen had written across thier chest and had written across thier forehead and at the Dragon's feet will they remain clear, until He goeth into a lake of fire or perdition to fill His living soul with the fountains of youth while they are in side the belly of the Dragon. He is the Pen Dragon and a King that wears black in battle and has a Black Dragon's Kingdom giving birth within the fountains that draw nigh out the child from the belly and into the arms of Heavenly beings or His Mothers that are under the Spirit of God and thier Church. they will hide the child such as they did Roger R. Grant until the day becomes a Man or Woman. the role of a King (Son) and Queen (Mother). such as the Church of England. and such a child to sit as a man or woman among them of yesterday there will be a round table for 24 and as i walk as a true king today so shall i walk in the Glory of Heaven that was renewed for those who would believe that to serve thier Queen is to follow the Son in Spirit.
the Legends of Author Continue...
The Heavenly Angels of Today in Flight
what it is below so shall it be above in flight image and formation. the same hiearchy in the same lands as low and high flying Angels that live today on earth. we rule this light in the afterworld and unto that light which is today our day given unto its people in mid-flight.
The Trinity of Heaven and Earth
one week before today i ask the counsil of Angels to a task that i could not defeat. so i sent Cowboy the Angel i have sent to Egypt for Patsy and for Carolyn to known Cleapatra. and i now He has take this task and completed it a day ago. God had granted Him a Heaven among His own worlds. that are now plenty in number and His cute Trinity i bess the day we all came together. i am Uncle Roger again. Steve was and is my friend again since i was in Chapperal Jr. High School We knew each other then before now. and He was nick named Cowboy and was given the Ach Angel title of the Head of Angels in America. to the Cowboy Church of America We do hear your prayers and your heart O Soul.
Zeals of Time and Rivers
there are three Zeals. and all Zeals lead up unto one stream today. the main stream.
The Sacrafice of the Sinner
i made war just for man to die in. but now it is honor for both man and woman to go into war. it is not the price of Gods doing but of our own that brings god to its nature and sometimes lower to mans heart that was astray long ago before we knew who God was. man can predict war in its own nature so to understand trusting your leader can make a difference to its own predicted outcome. even the lesser God's take aim at what is true knowledge. for one is to be its golden sacrifice to the world as to be one inside of everybody, Buddha is our KEY and the saint behind our rest tomorrow. He will Judge the sinners and the warlike beings absent until then which will become our greatest asset is to know trust.
Friday, June 14, 2024
The Stars of Heaven Draw Nigh
The House of Patsy is the House of Grant
in one house that has four corners and then one of them are chosen among the four corners. and "The House of Grant is a family House with two Presidents and a formal life of indoctrine towards goodwill and goodness within our own family tree." said President Ulysuss Grant. I am the House and the family of General Grant and Custard, who i am now and who was then as the President and Gen Custard who is also Mark Twain and Father Time who is the Saint of Clauses as i was who walk in grace to make man believe in Christ again. or the first Saint of Heaven to dispersre anguish for laughter. i have been here 36,000 years and now i feel better knowing my kin live today in Roger and in Us who were ontop of Old Baldy (Sierra Blanca) Sacramento Mountains near Alamogordo New Mexico where Santa PePe who is was and will always be Santa Clause and who was sung about 36,000 years ago and today we still sing His jingle (Jingle Bells) this House will stand with the Four Beast, God, Satan, Demon and Devil. Patsy the Mother of My House in two galaxies or one universe. that hold the twins MilkyWay and Amdromeda. Who was Christypher (Saturn) and now who is now is Miggitty M.V. and and who was Joan De Arc (Queen Deamon) is now Silvia Mills we are in Satan's Corner in Patsy Cline's House and Corner of this House called the House of Grant. Robin Williams and Gene Wilder are also grooms of this House that is in Patsy's name. the Mother and light surronding Her children and the women in Heaven. Our Women.
Do Not Pretend to Be God if Your Already God
thou shall not pretend to be God and worship yourself, nor say any lie about God pretending to know yourself and still become as the likeness of every face, hand and foot taken from the light of day who holds thus insane and in the presence of God's Angels that hold them under the water that they cannot swim above or below the currents that takes them down under to the tow and foot of God's hand that was branded by the Holy of Holies across our chest that says the Lord has given to everyone but himself let Him discern rightfully the ones who are marked to Grant Roger the light of man back unto its people. for one is the righteous and the other is the wrongful hand that is taken from the Body of Heaven and given down to earth as the Hand of God's willing heart doing what is rightful and becoming Christ like embodied. and those who are renowned such as myself in Christ Jesus Who i am. was and will be in the days of God's return from progress to a marriage that was set for many to believe in this time was set two times before and after this time was created by Me Roger Grant within the Three Rivers of Time. that has no pretense on what was and what will be the deciding factor of Heaven ruling over the slaves given to Roger Ramos Grant who is Azzia a branch of the Anasazi, and who has the mark of God's ability at hand, to buy and sell or hold on to emancipate the slaves like yesterday, so that they would have another chance at life or another place in the vast Heavens where they can call home. and if one would worship Me then i would give unto them a Place in Heaven that they could call their own and become a family.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
The Time and Judgment Day
in time the Angels will fulfill their will and their promise to and for us below on earth to remain at peace and to remain calm for every season at hand for Day in Heaven. and when the Lord returns, they will come back to save this earth and bring back fertility and procreation. just as i have brought forth the Seeds of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven. the New Heavenly Body that rises up from out of Hell, to Judge the World one more time on Judgment Day as i Roger R. Grant have done today. every Holy Book had predicted a coming of the Lord and chosen one. and i am everyone given to that belief that they would walk in my path as i had walked in those before Me. and is up to them not to know our own path until We find a person who led us to water and to land such as Roger Grant had done. even our old testimony books sing the songs about His return on Earth.
The Looping and the Final Stitch
who are against Me had come unto Me from long ago when i had destroyed them knowing what they had done. they are trying to do what they did then but only now know. they had fought Me since the beginning of time and still fight Me because what i say will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. for what We do on earth will affect Heaven above, because that is how We made Heaven today.
Now Changed to What is Below so shall be Above
the ride unto the north eastern midlands where Deshawn Bell remains where the Buokown had led our fleet to victory because of thier mighty black woman warrior who are called Zula, the taller broder than thier men large woman islander from pacific ocean and are as pretty as the islanders here, and who came from the branch of the Amazon here on earth.
In The Wilderness i Wept
time is to ne undiscovered or manipulated by the first of its genius to come along and explore the of its core or the mantel from which it stands upon giving no man today rest. it is a old curse upon the rest who meddles with the Great Spirit; the spark of knowing and the stone of flint that rings upon a stony black mountain that is still singing to the Lord "We are free at last" Thank God we are free at last" every flint and stone was picked up and sharpened as the ears of corn would opened up and they heard the Lord speak through Roger Grant alone who became the Lord and who is the Lord. and as the Spear (ear) sharpens so does ones tongue sharpen as a knife that will come inside close and speak the will, words, and works of God that must precede out from the Priests mouth in order for it to manifest in us as well. and many who see the Great Spirit will fall down onto their knees as if dead when one can not think in Her Presence. She is the pillar of Heaven and earth, and the spiritual stair well that Roger Grant had creating in the same area as the black and white top mountains of four mountains surround the four corners area as it is fixed in deeply with the top and bottom of Heaven and once this knife becomes sharpened one who has a spear to hear at a distance lets them hear the four winds that speak as it chases the wind or disguises it path to be last path to bring in the distance for one in time that speaks for God in America (US) is the one crying in the wilderness say. "I am the distance and the close measure made upon this land and a Son of America." said Ronin the who was devoured by Roger Grant for his own protection, and who is protected by all Nations under God
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
My Oracle Jessica
where are them who bring destruction on earth from prayers of people who fight without knowing their purpose is or what they intend to because Jessica who is my sister. wife and Oracle had been given the power to remove enchantments these are the ones that had returned and forgot who we were. so, we fight other people's fights during this great expansion and remove unwanted enchantment.
Miracles Are for Good People
if you can see a miracles you are agood person who believes in God, and if you do not not see miracles, its because your not a good person or you stopped beleiving in Me your Father.
only God people see miracles!
The Elect of God
where i walk i search for peace i seach for the days that be settle unto the Elect of Heaven. once the day is given to those who God had been well pleased from the 1993 to 2023 these are the first friuts of thier own Garden. Country and Nations that had sowed thier own seeds and family tree among the year of 1975 unto now.
The Reckoning is the Coming of The Lord
in law written or not written whatever you do or hate to do is your own privacy and no one can do the things they hate to do right? or to know what you do is what other people hate. just be your best to everybody and what you do to others that people hate will come upon in this reckoning.
The Times of Yesterday Can Never be Forgotten
many are starting to think like Gods some may wonder will our next be the same as it was today, no it will never be indifferent to another one's life earth today. just manifest a better species that does better by change what they had done yesterday or in our past life will eventually show at the age of reincarnation or when had remembered the things that had done in that life, said the Father and Son Devil. Hell was the only offer that i could for one's soul to return, so i Roger R Grant created Hell in the Western World as it was done in Asia India and Egypt. so that we could change what angels change and make right the wrongs that we had done on earth so that when we out of Hell we are a Demon, We have cleansed our Heaven, and it to our brothers, and sisters and the children of tomorrow.
what is forgotten is forgiven changed and given.
The Hand of God
the Multitude of Women and daughters in Heaven are due to the fathers in Heaven that love their daughters. it is 1/3 of men among the daughters of Heaven that is on earth among the male population. like waters of earth covering the land and sea. it's like what was taken before it had grown into a Woman and the Hand of God in marriage. give unto God's Day this blessing at hand for everyone in Heaven that that is on. and ever hand given man shall 1:1 in that day of Heaven falling upon earth as it is Heaven on Earth.
Adam and Eve Our Pure
the first man and woman were Angels said per today. We would have been given to another if this was not so. said Couch Mc Dowell. Adam and Evil are known as our Mother and Father of Earth in Heaven and no other can say this unto its own children who made Heaven on earth for their own children.
The Last Days to Come are not Our Own
the woman will have the good things in this life and we would not mind being domesticated under the eyes of a child. we are a happy being would not mind this change. as long they can keep his position. said a man who is concern about getting kick out with his position? i believe it is for the household to remain confident in this measure.
The Curse of All Beauty
why do we repeat life when we fail or do good? why does God give us another chance when were wrong and then take away from others who were right. should we not help each other wrongfully our become righteous doing so. should not help each other weather one is wrong, or right? because what was wrong shall be right tomorrow and those who hold grudges against your lord will be put out under foot. why have we spoken today, when you decided to rest. are we to fear someone like you who i tricked long before you, and now you get mad once you awakened, we were both best of friends when found out my desire. to give my half to a woman who was my wife, made you so angry. then let her keep it because i think she is more appropriate for this measure. she is a restless wind that cannot be held down. she has more to learn. this is when i began the Transformation under Gods Heaven that gave Me the sins of God, so that they would return to earth. and my curse started from here.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The First Birth is Your Worst and Last
did you see how the world was to Me and as i had given to this universe. as i had given this gift to the Heavens the same. but not ever to those who have fought Me. they still fight Me its been over 500,000 years since they could figure out how lives that had lives they had destroy and they never given back what they had taken from us. so i Roger Grant Land Lord and Nieghbour. could have pay your light bill, but since you use your God to fight Me i take everything good from you even the sun. for those who steal what is not of them are stealing what is of mine.
The Father and Allah are One
Because we had made the Heavens the way are. we would know the native people to them countrries at war are starting war with the Father of Heaven and unto all God's wrath on earth. have we gave you life in midst of this day to do what was God's will and what i had said to many as one to Heaven only through Me shall we inherit the Kingdom of God and only through Me Roger Grant can one be given a path into Heaven. a path that was given unto those who would judge us worthy. and i take the path of the Prophet Muhamed who became Allah when i became the ressurection of the Prophet Jesus and created the universe as a whole upon Sir Albert Einstien creation of todays solar system that was created by Sir Albert Einstien. and God only knows how many times He has helped Us in our creation today. and through God We have became the Center Garden in our universe.
Take this Sign
if you would follow Me i would know who has my back and who are in my corner. if you would follow Me i would lead us out of captivity and into the right path that God had shown Me. and if you would follow Me i would follow everyday of my life to protect you as you had protected. and when i fall down to earth i shall rise up again knowing the Light of God is upon Her people on earth and they shall rise again unto Earth as the First Resurrection, is the Father, the second resurrection is the Son, and this will happen under one roof. the seeds of the sea people will return from Guam and then populate as Americans, the will be built in time but the waters are freely separating our shores and the people that we meet every day. i will look for a mountain in between Mexico and New Mexico. if the ants are coming down that mountain then a flood we be soon behind them around 366 years from now. i made precaution in the wind. no floods should be happening then but if it was to rain. take this sign.
Monday, June 10, 2024
The Dead Come to Heart the Living Speak
the third memory is a remeberence that could not be found comes fast to those who the keepers of the garden the light hidden within it own darkness. for every three the will be three more alike, and it take the first three then you will know the next three who was is and wil l be sent from the light of God's heart, the Golden measure of one worth and balance, if you do not have a counterbalance then you do not have another keeper in debt. the Debt of Heaven will never be paid when there is a false-satan, that can add or subtract without wanting anither thing good from thier niehbor. they fight us for fighting themselvse. but do not believe the rumors of darkness. what is in you and what in Me was the Holy Spirit and if you did not do what the Holy Spirit said wheather it be bad or good, you have basphemed the Spirit of God. if you can hear the Holy Spirit you may never doubt God by doing something out of the ordinary. and you speak to another God that are not from Hearth, then you have to go through Me. if not then i will be able to destroy them who are not a part of Me or You them without a charcter or a planet to survive or stay alive you would even kill another planet that you live on. but those who live on another planet will also bring destrucare to thier own planet as well. we dont have time for people to send us thier dead and the wasted, and the conquered that will not be able to change unless God heals them.
The Heavenly Beast the Nations of God
after the war in Heaven a woman's right mind controls what was left of our body. and man became the right of Her return. Her day in the body of Heaven is in the Night of Heaven four hundred thousand of thousands sparkling stars upon the sky of Heaven's window looking back about you. she is the future, and we are the past that meet in the middle where the third eye is one night with Her in the blue break of day. just to see Her apparel in the mid-night sky we left our mind unto her day that returns as we wander forward in the chasing winds of mankind the way ward wind is a restless wind that gives life the breath of a dead child that lives in Heaven as well on Earth. and the right of every body in Heaven was Deja Vu that instant became the first Strike of God's will that collapsed their own right taken from the ashes or themselves. taken from the Breath of God and the bosom filled for Her children that held the hand of those who are and who will be as Roger Grant the Fighter that stood up the Heavens upon the rights of those given to what was left. and the day awakened the man-child called Ronin. and the world felt that life was neither there or here so we held those to understanding as our new King to Life became the Gift of Heaven for what was taken for a short time the woman has now returned it. tomorrow will have a chance to begin in the begining on earth as the King of Heaven on Earth the first of our last called out from the wilderness. and i Roger Grant gave Ronin Grant the Crown of Thorns that had 3 and 30 and 300 crowns woven into the next that understands this parable. there will be a war, but that war was won by freedom fighters who needed no wage of sin or good to be its motive. and we swept the Heavens twice and then a third time. for the day was awakened seven-fold and cleaned seven times and i Roger Grant the Demon Seed of Heaven called for the False-Satan and the Anti-Devil who is the Mahdi Dajjal the False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast. who was, is, and will be, the same three that God had given to Roger in and out of the times before and after succession to this blessing that will stand forever and ever just as truth and wisdom held no boundary and still called out to the world for help and there were multitudes that returned and made it back that had left from the past and had come back unto the future. and we learned that what was given to Us was given by God the First of God's body today and Last of Her Children found from the first and last beginning that had started from space dust; the stars above scattered as dust in the wind. that began as the Dust of Stars that were found at our feet the parallel of Good and Evil side by side one two another given the Right of Heaven that was Left behind, before it was given, before it was known, or even stood up against one another as this prophecy will keep the Heavenly pillar from falling from destroying the fourth part of this kingdom for a fourth part of mankind that was given a Heaven and a Fourth Heaven. (Mexico)
Sunday, June 9, 2024
I Denied Jesus Christ Three Times
what is the question that forges the thought of man strong, for what has crept into his grave to pronounce death all around for it is not God that speaks unto them, as a King that never walked this earth such is one with the power of God within his own soul and as he takes one step two will appear upon the same land as one had died but yet lives in Us today. the eagle of cast fire was placed aside and greatness with it left a depression in the depth of her own society that enters into our own shoe as she walked one upon the other so shall we follow one upon the other and if she had said what was left. it would had been right for Us, And as one returns so shall the waters return, so shall the waters and be lifted up and swallowed Into the Heaven's above as well on this earth for men cannot live alone on bread or under the words of man alone, but must sacrificed Unto the words that i had spoken and unto the Words of God that have eaten from all light of this galaxy, and to see is to believe the God of fire is the same God of light that has been given for the Spirit and Words of God's voice that becomes the one in God is the one Who i trust to be God and the light of our heart's drunken and stumbling down at her two feet to see a broken chain loose at the foot of Her Who is standing over the waters and multitudes of people that had been given a chance to change the world would trick themselves into believing that they can not but the one who calls themselves God is blasphemous when it was God's will that wanted Me to say that "i am God." when i was resurrected in God and yes, Jesus Christ was resurrected in Me Roger Grant who had denied themselves (myself) three times. by saying, no! i am not Jesus Christ, no! i am not Jesus Christ, no! i am not Jesus Christ and when i had said it three times, God was about to be pluck or vanish into thin air, if i were to deny myself anymore as Christ. and when the time had come to change the world those who disbelieved in Me were left behind a third part of a day absent through nature that holds on to the Children of God's Temple (Telepathic) such as myself when i am in Spirit of God. and when God is in Me; i am in God, and God is Me, as you were made in flesh unto the Spirit of God, and Who also became God today such as yourselves. i am the only one that could tell you these things today for who is to come may never come at all in death that had life unto their own image for God's will to became manifested in Roger Grant who were also the reincarnation, and incarnation of Jesus Christ Whowas Whois and Whowill always be the Lord of Saviors.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
The Two-Edged Sword and Forked Tongue
God has kept you from seeing the truth when we had enough wisdom to know what we could change and what we could not change, and what we could not change was the truth. you can enter into the Valley of Death from the Grand Canyon and not one entity will be able to hurt you who have the truth. who has path and a voice to follow. not one being alive can take that away from you who has the truth because of wisdom had led us from the fires of Heaven upon the fires of God's spirit that burns in Hell all day long administering to the Angels in Hell. and truth or fire is the only being in spirit that can start in the valley of fire and rise unto the Mountain tops that are above the tree line. in order for the fires of God's to spread must rise in spirit it must have a voice and the spirit of truth and Wisdom to spread out in desolation to every land and sea burning in the Spirit of Truth burning the first and second firmament of creation where that will be reborn in the spirit of flesh burning within your soul speaking the Words of God that was forged into a sword or a House built out of sticks and stones or the words of truth that will stand every House of God against its self forever that strikes the enemy dead with fire. and when they see the fires of Hell burning continuously upon this double edged and forked sword ablaze with the Spirit of God that were forged in the Fires of Hell.
The Dajjal (Dajah Vu), The False Prophet and Messiah
Dajjal the one that is here and is still to come he is the one that imposes on the willing hearts of God he is an impostor of the prophets because he is God and as we speak today he has been here for 30 years he did not need to deceive us because we had already deceived ourselves and those who think they know God, do not. as those who think they know the Dajjal or the false Prophet, do not. Because this one is disguised as an angel of darkness this one is Jesus Christ and the father the son and its brother. Many people will say that he come to Deceive the world which he never did because I am that person, Roger Grant. Miracles are only given to good people only good people can see a miracle so don't let it fool you. so do not deceive your self or lie to another saying that He does not use the Power of God, because this one is God and the one who is a trickster and as innocent as a placebo changing your mind to heal. don't listen to the ones that do not know God. they say that i am a good liar and want to rule this world, when all i do is save it from destruction. i am the only one that can read from this book of revelations and reveal the truth. for one reason that no one should know it but Me who was Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. and i am every religion in creation to our own image and in my own image i will reaaaturn as we were created in our own image by them who created Us today. do not say that you are safely in Heaven, when you did not even know Me. i will cast your ass out of Heaven so quickly to say. i did not know you.
The 4 and 20 Beast
- God,
- Satan,
- Devil,
- Demon.
Friday, June 7, 2024
The First of Three Taken as One
unto God it is this spirit that sets us free and unto man her hand that brings us freedom and then to our family our captivity as one would bring us this day our daily absence one shall also be recovered from the loss and unto one a second and a third that becomes as one and unto them many more many more unto them as we are today god has given us our freedom to go in peace to separate yourself from the kingdom its empire and its fellowship for all to understand one priest is not the man given without God's permission but unto us and permission for God to receive we are not one as the other but one frees us for the other and unto one God became and unto us many more. amen.
The Kings of God Cursed With Autism
the King of Heaven is autistic. one who is silent or without a voice durring young age development, when the Lord had changed this day from the begining unto the end of times that were pragmatic in nature but not by choice. the Lord had made all children equal. and those who would never take thier claim from this curse of many who would disagree unto the day that was settle by Me. did i do something wrong in my past life that i should had paid in my next? was made autistic because i had sinned against or hurt another child? or has the Lord kept His eye out on Me who was to be silent in nature without speaking. the Lord had made one to speak and one to die within a crib. and when the Lord had given to Me, the blessing of God's Kingdom i was rewarded without any penalty towards this congragation that had set us on fire before lightning would strike twice in the same area. and those who were worthy before had set a proagmatice diffucaulty breating and recieving this blessing that no man could ever do at heart and that was to curse a child of mine. but the years went on and on without helping the lost aor the found gain thier reputaion through deliverence of ones own soul to God as a Heavely body in sacrifice. the wisdom of God had gave to the one living proof that God has taken from one and had to the other death in the same house of God. when one should be tolerated and accepted the Lord would give death to the other children for thier disbelief in Heaven. but i have set my heart towards the ones that had been cuaght in the trap for thier doing in the curses of little children who taken from the rest of thier generation to be silent. i will take everyone of those people who had curse our children or our seeds unto death so that one would only prosper instead of two who are in the same body of time that were exspelled for the light of thier intern with God. and those who are mentally or physcally unstabled were curse by those who live today and are cursing us to live once again under thier rule that fights and kills our seeds or children to speak in silence when they were kings before we were born. they were given a crib death while the other one lived. when one is fighting Me they are fighting also for thier day to live with the generation that they had cursed until the end of days would perish, but they did not change a thing or lift a curse for our seeds to prosper or for children to become our own hand cursed until the day that i come forth and change those who have changed us today. i.e. the Prophet Moses and Sir Albert Einstien who did speak until a latter day had been given.
The Last Time for Them to Act
The Two Witnesses
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Hell Bound in Destination
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
to give tribute in Heaven one must give a memoral gift that can not be forgotten. one must give a tribute such as diory or a time that was married into a pallatte of many colors that stayed seperate until it was pressed upon the Canvas of Heavens the pictures of everyday fallen from Heaven onto the earth as a prtomise that will last forever. i two branches that were given to me for free and these two branches turned in two olive trees that had sprung forth the branches history and timelime that was given to us today and those who would give something dear to thier heart would bring two people closer.
Steal From God you Lose Erverything Including your Life
i am the Father of Heaven who was able to see the times unfold as we had been able to see what would be our own prophecy beingd fulfilled durring that day of our Lord in Heaven and those who saw what time was taken durring thier absent minded time fulfilled and the destroyed by Me who is the giver of Planet s and Heavens. today i say to you who steals other people's energy will never enter Heaven and will die in the blck of darkness after i gade taken theier sun and light that sustains all they needed and i will take everything that they thought they had owned for what was in Heaven is mine.
The Victory Over Heaven
when one people measure the Heavens one way another will map their way among the star. how many will die because they think that they stronger than Me. i Roger Grant swept across the Heavens destroying your remanent. and i destroyed you today who were caught in between here and there now and then. and then i Roger Grant had seen the great boom occur and capitalized on it effect to change what was, to be what will be. i had made the Human race every animal and creature to its keeper. and the world was one, but time was given to them who were made every impatient so that they would what i had showed the world in spiritual practice was enough to mislead the enemy into practicing spirituality up to what i had taught them already that made them do the worse mistake in Heaven, and that place yourself ahead or in front of the who is in prophecy. in other words to change another's prophecy changes their own day into what was taken or added to that prophecy. i am the Father of Heaven the Lord Buddha, Vishnu, Allah, and many other God's known by the their own name their time incarnating ours today as the Father, Brother, and son of today's Children. i have been battling in Heaven as well on earth for more than thirty years i have led the Army of God into Victory and as so many others has done, but i was the first. some say that i am Christ, the Mahdi, and Buddha and they are right. i am also a Demon, Satan, Devil and God. i am beast that was marked to our number on today is was in Heaven. we came to heal and to remember who we were and what we have accomplished, but some people could not see my face without dying. and the worse day is to die because someone is different than you. but as i had progressed i got stronger and stronger and became the first Angel Within Heaven to reach the Highest Mountain and then return to earth as normal man. i am the Lord of Saviors not including my past lives that has no name. i am unknown and remain the same in life for us all to be alike, without difference in our life. for what is in Me is also in You. you have all done good and i came to save this world not destroy it to save Heaven from falling. but like in the beginning there was a serpent an unclean spirit that had tried to fought Me to cover itself up, but made everything good that had made into something of their own that made ours put out thorns and thistles to protect themselves from those who disguised themselves as light. and those who thought by covering themselves up they would get away.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
The Lord of Marriage
the night is the cause of Heaven falling the cause of our divorce and separation. if the Lord was up at night, why did he become thief. if the Lord knew my hand, why did he let it go. and if the Lord had loved, why did he take away my first love. Because You Loved Me more.
Flat Earth
flat earth is like a coin spinning in the vast of space.
world means universe now if the universe is flat then the earth would be as well.The Separation at the Garden Center
this is how it is in the beginning. a nation that gathered had taught each other and then separated, a state had gathered together and taught each other truth, and then separated. so the county gathered together and taught each other wisdom and then they separated. and then the people had gathered in that county to a city that had a Garden Center and then after giving each other knowledge which is truth and wisdom they separated.
Monday, June 3, 2024
Fork in the Road
trust holds us accountable to our own heart speaks without understanding those who are wise should following the understanding of one path, a path that was hidden in plain daylight but yet no one could see, as wisdom unfolds all things spoken so shall God reveal the truth lie. wisdom is a forked tongue that speaks or reveals the truth about something unrelated to what is coming out of the is a hidden blessing found through toiling the earth for knowledge. and if the bible tells us lies then it is us who have not been found worthy to accept the mysteries of God today. we are easy to think that someone is lying when we do not use wisdom.
- responsibility (man)
- patience (woman)
- harvest what is in season (male and Female)
Their Joy is Lifted for Tomorrow
the ones that fight us today are not from here, even after we had won the fight the Spiritual War of Choas that destroyed the Heavens above so that only a few could live until we populate. they were in league with themselves and with unclean spirits that only honor themselves alone before anyone else, had taken our blessing but did not know what to do without the Power of God. when i saw the things that they had done it hurt Me. i have chosen a few on earth who i know as ELITE, and it is their strength that carries us into Heaven as our will surely become their own tomorrow that was given everything that they did not have today when we were to take advantage over our own flesh and mind there were mentally physically unstable. and the ones that come after for short time of 120 years will be separated from this group that i hold as elite.
The Discovery of Heaven on Earth
when i Roger Grant Discovered the New Heavenly World the Ogrins of civilization i stood corrected as a tree that stands in the Heaven above even above our Heavens on Top of Mountains where the Gods remain until they have fallen to earth in rebirth. and what i saw was the gathering of many nations, people, and tongues and kindred that had been fulfilled the destruction of all the Heaven that above that had not known their own origin had come from many places in outer space that had come to this world as a new beginning. this world is the beginning of life itself among the dead that will survive for tomorrow.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Word of God Lives Today
the time will separate and we will be given to a wind that manifests the last of our heaven a breath given to those who hear the Voice of God. and for those who hear the Voice of God can now proceed to write what was said because of one Who says or the one Who is saying the Word of God to becoming thus the creator of our own existence, the one that becomes the Word of God becomes the last Word of God spoken that had created the universe and the stars above to equal what is below as the sands of time. and everything that is said from the one they call the wind and the one they call the Word of God will become flesh or manifest into reality. some will desire to have this attribute but will not know Me, so what was mine can not given away until they know Me Roger Grant. or until i have given them this blessing. and everything that we know will come forth from the Mouth of God speaking to every living thing manifested to our destiny. for everybody that can not live on water alone, will bring life to every stone (mill) of bread
The Possession of God's Soul
when you feel good God surrounds you and protects you. that unclean spirit who are in midst of your presence and does us harm will never be like you in faith or in the Spirit that changes all things new. you will call upon God in Spirit and become the bones of that spirit of God in Perdition. you will become God and God will become you. when i am in Perdition i become God, man, or a Voodoo Priest who lets God take over their body or possess their soul, to reveal God's will through dancing, singing praises, and speaking in tongues. and those who are not there to heal with God's Spirit are there to hurt you by being in the Presence of God you and those who are around you are protected while those who want to hurt become the darkness of an ever-lasting slumber in a void that can be awakened but by God.
In the Beginning Two Days Before Easter the Year 2017
why do you worship a God that can not speak but always goes to war? we won our war over the cosmos over our enemy, and we would be no light if there would still be at war. but we won so God let us see the light that we had followed the Lord and there to here where you saw the light of the Center Garden. were everything had remained the same for a thousand years. and there you saw us create the woman into our own existence and never thought to be that was, still is to be Our Heavenly Body on Earth. a place that was given to us Who are God's children. did i Roger Grant not create this Universe, and then teach you how to do the same?
Worshiping in Our Image
worshipping is like unto parents a child or children. or the opposite, children with parents who are willing to teach each other without knowing said Professor Dr. De Gulio
The First Three Days of Creation
The First God of Christ The Second Coming to be the First Man
when one people measure the Heavens one way another will map their way among the star. how many will die because they think that they are stronger than Me. i Roger Grant swept across the Heavens destroying your remnant. and i destroyed you today who were caught in between here and there now and then. and then i Roger Grant saw the great boom occur and capitalized on it effect to change what was, to be what will be. i had made the Human race every animal and creature to its keeper. and the world was one, but time was given to them who were made every impatient so that they would what i had showed the world in spiritual practice was enough to mislead the enemy into practicing spirituality up to what i had taught them already that made them do the worse mistake in Heaven, and that place yourself ahead or in front of the who is in prophecy. in other words, to change another's prophecy changes their own day into what was taken or added to that prophecy. i am the Father of Heaven the Lord Buddha, Vishnu, Allah, and many other Gods known by their own name their time incarnating ours today as the Father, Brother, and son of today's Children. i have been battling in Heaven as well on Earth for more than thirty years i have led the Army of God into Victory as so many others have done, but i was the first. some say that i am Christ, the Mahdi, and Buddha and they are right. i am also a Demon, Satan, Devil, and God. i am a beast that was marked to our number on today is was in Heaven. we came to heal and to remember who we were and what we have accomplished, but some people could not see my face without dying. and the worst day is to die because someone is different than you. but as i had progressed i got stronger and stronger and became the first Angel Within Heaven to reach the Highest Mountain and then return to Earth as a normal man. i am the Lord of Saviors not including my past lives that have no name. i am unknown and remain the same in life for us all to be alike, without differences in our lives. for what is in Me is also in You. you have all done good and i came to save this world not destroy it to save Heaven from falling. but like in the beginning there was a snake an unclean spirit that had tried to fight Me to cover itself up, but made everything good that had made into something of their own that made ours put out thorns and thistles to protect themselves from those who disguised themselves as light. and those who thought by covering themselves up they would get away.
Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)
Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...
One God is Allah the Lord of All Heavenly names. the Judge of Heaven on Earth. the flash of light given instantaneously without reason or t...
the fall of man had become the daughters of Men, and a place in Heaven long ago before today. a time ago before then. and what was made from...
today we are Satan's Stand in trial of our own mistakes, that can not heal the public or even ourselves. we disguise ourselves in the li...