Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The 14 Virgin Vessels

 from fourteen tribes or 14 religions that never stood a chance today we have 3-5 religions that are left to this world and from the third Heaven did find another person who would become like God and stronger than the ones before. three Heavens had collided together on earth for every Tree Kingdom that grew seven years in height and never bared a fruit because they were still immature. so God divided the Kingdoms by Trees and said when two shall arrive as the first and last then only Hell will break loose from the heavens above when the Angels of Heaven fight with Tiamat the Dragon. and when returns so will Roger her Husband who is the Chromatic Dragon. the shiny skin of the cobble stone and the weight of its magnitude. that sets a third Heaven beside the fourth (1/4) and fifth (1/5) Heven on Earth when Roger protected the fifth gate that protected the third, and fourth Gate of Heaven was within Mesopotamia but now it is in Mesoamerica or the North and South Hemispheres that met in Atlantis these once so-called tribes were only 12,000 in length, Height, and Width and migrated to the fifth and sixth Heaven where the two Indian tribes still remain.

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Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)

Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...