the lights have faded and the time is near when we all gather around the family and give our passage unto them who were there to make us happy in life." "We are tormented and lost but yet until I find my father Benny who will look out after Me until I die," said Jacob. may the right to all Heaven's gate open to you as you remember the times that had set among us in life for the Kingdom to come and for those to prosper one more in return to Heaven on Earth for their time will be remembered and given cleansing to this day for tomorrow. Welcome all the saints tomorrow in Heaven so that we can meet you up in the sky on the highest mountain that had chosen us in remembrance of yesterday and the day before God returned.
The Waters of eternity belong to God Her Majesty of Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge, the very essence of our life giving force through nature and harmony. She is the Daughters of Men and the hand of God who saved us from tomorrow, and for today. She is the Dragon that rises out from land to sea. She is the Mother of Earth and Heaven the womb or Her Children and the flight of Buddha who is the Charismatic Dragon riding upon Her back to the Wilderness where he will be groomed. written by Roger Grant
Friday, May 31, 2024
The Apostate of God's Correction
after 20 years apostate from the seed of God; the seed of David (David Koresh) we were given back the turning key of Heaven and Hell. the Lord reminded Me today that we have come a long way from then to now. from the sacrifice of God's children who were at Mount Carmel even when David had a prophecy about Him dying They did not sway in decision but followed God's heart into death and into the new Heaven that was given by David Koresh. He was the rider of Death on the Pale Horse when he died in cremation with the Davidians. and now God reminded Me that what was going to take precedence in Alamogordo N.M. need not be that time for us today because it was David Koresh that saved us. said General Powell. by forgiving us we need not worry about the Heavenly Angels coming upon us in America. two years later i heard a voice speak to Me and it said "If the World sins against you seven times i will destroy it." said the Lord David Koresh. to remind us of our obligation to each other on earth as one had forgiven us of our sins.
The Same goes out to Ronin
this is the land ASIADRA when they lost the window we gained a child and this child be delivered and sparked by another within the center of all time to make what was to be the final battle of good and evil and the force to remain at peace forever or the light will vanish again and we who won the last war will take measure unto its own hand if needed to conquer you all who still moves about in the dark knowing peace in this was set in the light and therefore let there be light.
The Captain's Manifestation
the high Heavens can not seed the light among Heaven but will seed Roger's children the light of Heaven needed to trust. i will seed the light dept within the two heavens and one will be fixed unto other i Roger Grant had made the last first of life to its own and among you seeds the two as the stairwell that rises unto the other as the powers of God retain Heavenly darkness the light of what flashes of what enters into the next day away. the last is secured on board and many stars have been moved out of their place to contend on this journey given from start to be again the Heavenly day to return. and when a death on board calls to stop this heavenly convoy they find two extras on the ship that had four extra. in these, we hear of our own time that becomes together and we forget that we are made examples of those who plan to hurt more than what they intended. for the Lord had keep open the trees the leaves and the canopy open to those who would be far away and the heaven exploded with those who started to welcome themselves to become sure as the was left to its own House to its life that was to be as the lonely as open Kingdom that holds everyone that gives to the last and the first in the family this right to hand in marriage i will understand now who hear no doubts. let no one aboard or inside the hoses on that day. the Lord is the only protector in first stance and far away THEY WILL LEAN INTO THE RIGHT AND WELL INTO ITS LEFT piles of debris cover this area of God from a long time ago not i am who fell into last Heavens and i call you who will know that this time becoming one in sync and to Me as of this at hand must receive this acre of burning ashes and the seeds of its window now open burning and yelling out for mercy but their God will not give MERCY. and those who are let in when there was death in the convoy will remember it not our will to harbor anything else over our captain's manifestation.
The Last of Our Heart Redeemed
i saw the day come without a night fallen and the land would bare us a new child that will live forever as the freedom we have been freedom let no man council you when God has done so. let the ones that laughed at you fall from grace as we pick up the light and the stars and the marriages of our Children that hold forever and ever on to God. and those who never cared or tried to will leave when they will find the money they had taken to be taken. they had sabotaged what was given to other people, places and other people's faces for their own wages to be their ways of thinking. they owned of their own time that was trying hard to live. and they cry because the thief in the night had taken their booty and left them nothing but tears and whole closet full of disguises of Angles of Light. you better not cry i am telling why. because you get what you deserve and now i say goodbye to your Holmes. a plan a good day for this time is given back to its own. as i saw them with everything that they had made, and that was only tears running down many faces that was wronged. they were as fake as those who lie to get anything they wanted. and only to take what was not theirs. and Lord how many days had gone without knowing that they were the ones taken from us in this place as the Art of War. the start of a day that was redeemed.
The Northern Wedding Band
Christ the First Super Star reaches for the stars under heaven for each other's right to become another Heavenly body tonight. that reaches across the distant stars for each hand to lift its children of the shoulder to land. the man and the life are marriage the first handed to itself and to the children. of this world who is the right of what was left shall be judged and the received for the day is given to Heaven in such a way we will become the Father and Son. morning coming is the light of Heaven shining twice as bright giving it to all in the galaxy for this day is also shared with three other times for once to come into existence. to be this blessing that falls upon this world everlasting to those who keep our belief for this is open and now proportional in perpetual motion that carries on forever. the first and second must do the same as the third shall remain.
My Heaven Our Day
Atlantis the Father of Earth the receiver of undo justice killer of Heaven the savior of Her Heaven kissing the days that had no choice. He lays down under the waters reminding us of own days that fall below the that was for all to lift unto one Heaven, and she was on the shoulders of Her uncle. and He fell back under giving us life. and taking his day for us to remember or last begotten family the last sacrifice is the day we must carry on our own shoulders for each other. that skies had died but opened again when they were safely across land of Africa. that day we stayed until remebered us again. i saw the day lift me down in the grave for rest and for life to flourish agian.
The Estate of God
Thus is the ticket under the day of God star to be as the passion that starts from a thousand unto to one million this is the beginning of life and trust. said Mrs. Bush of the Estate Trafagular
The Trust for Thousand Years
the new days be given, and the light had itself in Africa. new days of Gods will arrive. for this day our Father the Hunter of God's sons the Battle of Light that continues and for this I Am. Mr. President Bush and His Beautiful wife will receive this award from this on to be under the stars of God Heaven.
Passions of God
the leaf of peace is the strongest medicine the person can control without any Heavenly being. the land is our purpose and the worlds our mansion. that covers the ones underneath the canopy of life that holds all things together again to be together once again. i have made many friends and made a few enemies for being on God's side. and the ones that were allies of God had became allies even better allies that we had. but Wisdom can not sacrifice our own day under the sun or the times that we are number, for one by one the ants will open the hill of change and pick up its enemy to lift them back into the earth where the first of Heaven had challenged Truth and Wisdom that created a hybrid called Knowledge and the Garden had come from an unknown place but given the measurements of four corners covered by a canopy of God's grace that clothes us when we naked or exposed to the truth that would set you freedom until you had followed the last Tree of Wisdom who is not a widow to knowing that one has died under this Tree of Knowledge for the wisdom of women to set upon Heaven's should and the times that was healing the world with one leaf that was torn from peace. and the strong arm of justice that hold the adminastrator.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
The Right to Speak the Right to Freedom
the time has been given to Me. i turn the Waters of Heaven into the next straight into the bearing of many passages that had held the many above cold and icy waters and many times that had set its day among the rest and northern the people to whom Jonah the whaler had come from and did share their wealth with us obeyed the God of everlasting. the white dragon that held on to the days that had fallen from the sky from the northern hemisphere to the All Light that dances in midnight, the Northern lights that cast sleep over the waves that settle the time with Tiamat that Ancient Dragon and the Serpent over Heaven, the one that had died before Me in marriage three times; the one that i have written about in this book. the one that you took from Me. the one that i saved before your three had murdered my wife and now i look at you with no man's heart, but only the sadness that you will sing every day until the Hells of your torment will pay for the transgressions of your brothers who destroyed this world because of them who where spoiled by their activity in stealing other peoples money who were friends of this world. but unto Me and Her own family who are well knowing that in their flesh fire combusts from the head first as well in spirit when as one is melting the other is trying to heal the last body created first peeling and then regenerating over and over half in and half out twice the fires that burned them before. that set all manners to their lies and to their gestures and their familiar spirits that haunted them in the day and in the night suffered them even worse to only them who are to act without thinking in their own Hell with the voices of thier own victims overcoming them before the evening returns them to Roger Grant; one that had cleansed the world and them who try to kill a Prophet who was sent here to revenge the Prophets of God and save them from death. the ones i talk about burned their own Holmes trying to escape thier debt to Roger Grant and more than ten times did i save them. these are the few who thought they were the Elite of Alamogordo who had destroyed this world five times because they hated one man who became God.
Diamond Out of Season
in constant jeopardy of my life being severed from God's day as a servant given to one people but i am a person of all people of today to be last and first diamond our anniversary. DIAMOND OUT OF SEASON fine cut of Heavenly Angels that comply to the Words of God and to the Father, Mother, and Children Who are one in the body. they have many times returned for another Heavenly War, but Roger R. Grant holds defensive measure and builds a fortress of mere modesties that have changed the way we think today as a whole in its own time. we are that last of Heavens's return again. the body is your House and the Mother. the detachment of bone unto the last of Heaven's console. we are the last in control. the will of God returned after we were in perfect harmony. not one of us understands God as of today but those who are in control will put our ribs aside until i have put them back upon the doorways of Heaven the enter the annex of Heavenly bodies that can not be controlled or fixed to another periodic chance of measure to embrace the life of our consciousness. so God is the force of gravity that makes the land shape as Mountains climb and move to every will of God and the works of men that understand the light of day within the Valley of Death where the waters are shining and reflecting the light of Her countenance upon the river of light shimmering into the night. i will call upon HEAVENS BREATH TO KNOW ONE'S HEART IN STANCE. the tree of everlasting chance and of Her knowledge that flows through Her Wisdom, who has stood upon the land rising into the Heavens above giving Her new sight and a new horizon on top of Her Uncle's shoulder that carried all life unto Her who is the Mother, and Womb of Children, and the Sons of God went upwards to the top of mountains where God never lost a battle. and while she was headstrong and stood upon the hill commanding Her children to read the signs she had given and to take heed inside the belly of earth where she waited for Her time to return as the Mother's calling of All Children and every Daughter to Heaven's return that may live forever.
God's Hand is Open
the last time i awaken will be the time that you had seemed for death and i Roger Grant sound, body, mind, and spirit present you as i had given to the world my time. and those who have understood this moment shall perish at any moment for i am, the Lord of all Hosts and the Father of All Heavens that had given to Me the keys to the bottomless pit that i have survived and conquered in my name to come for those who are against Me shall fall far from class from their own studies and to Home out of spirit and to those are among Me at this time (present) shall die in their sleep. i am the Father and the Alpha and the Omega and those Who are against Me shall be thrown in their own fire that i had made for creation to set upon the first of its own kind to earth. major is their damage, and i swiftly received none at all. for my day is swift as the lightning strikes twice upon the land of God's choice, Amen.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Where is the Grey and Where is my Hair
Sir king De Bruce the Tyrant mixed martial artist in the light of Heaven taking what is kicking at the door when you enter oops i knocking in this door. that was my mistake to know your home. please open the the door next time, the back door is open just come in my king and explore the door of all wonders the last door to the left the door to the right. This is the first Mother in America that had Her days spoken about she is wise and the day is as well the night fallen the times calling and the morning oping from left to right and the light that shines id in sight to east the lord will enter and come fortth hatmony she the Hingdom od Athenic and the mother Bride of Hercules the 100 pillars at the Abbys of God's creation that had set mother to its own hair color in the night is green and the day its grows seen as it is green the light of the unseen the light of its claymore and light of Heaven door come on in my dear Heavenly Father who has been amongst us in the years of 2020 and 2029. there is time to prepare and time to wait why wait when we can prepare the day at rest and then return from far west. Sir King De Bruce is Father Zeus who is prepared as Son of Man and the King of Eastern Asia that remembers the day that one would return black and then back unto one that grey and the one would stay in inside the world if we would return back to Zeus who the Father of Toger the Father of Heaven and the of all living tings in world that dies and thenand as one would so shall i become God and the Gods of Heaven one more time. and that would be my Honor for loving heaven as you did Amen.
A Third of this Earth Perished Through Me
there are two of every species and one in every creation that had swallowed the fourth of its kind when i created the third and fourth of Heaven's seeds that were born on this earth and in the earth did hide in deep for the times that will pass and for the times that are above as well below in the same soul that Good had made for a twin and the hand of God to be as helpful in spirit as well in flesh. you spirit will rule in the Heavens above and your flesh will serve the Heavens above as well as below. when God made the one force good he also made the same force of evil in both days that shall eat from the beginning of time that held the light above the darkness that takes heed to every Lord upon earth as its own sin unfolds the many that one can bring. one sin is a thousand sins when you did not care for the one that you had sinned against. for man wisdom is responsibility for a woman it is patience and for both man and woman its storing what was in season to be its harvest and what sins we shall harvest become the sins of this world what ever was in harvest was stored in season for the day that was reaped above in Heaven as well below on earth/ and the world will know what was the seeds that were sown. separating marriages and s defraud and taking other peoples saving or life insurance, murder and marriage, blasphemy and lies and so much more that tore open the our delicate fabric that we had cleansed but was over taken by sin and they made this world worse by taking my marriage three times, killing my wife (Fiancée) and stealing my inheritance. trespassing and blasphemy of the Holy spirit. all these things were done Todd Holmes and His brothers friends, their mother, father that had prepared their day ahead of mines to ruin my Mission for God. they gather for the feast and the tried to kill the beast. and the Lord had at 23 years of age to be the Lord of Lords the King of Kings. and as i was resurrected i was also reincarnate and incarnated with Jesus Christ who was King Lazarus (Satan) with the same body that was new and Heavenly. and world awed at my power that was given to Me dead and as i was judged for my spirituality and given the POWER of GOD reborn. and the resurrection was the Father of Heaven given to ME through Zeus my Father in Heaven who became. and as i started to sing the song of God in praise i also had to survive to stay alive because of the things we did not know during my return, i am God Satan The Devil and Demon. when these anti Heroes had premeditaded to kill Me because they had stolen my money.
The Light unto this World is God
The First God had man make clay from the earth, and the next God made man make brick and the third became a building of long time ago, the fourth became the field of life that built the irrigated systems of water with a fifth God to return with the fourth from returning and then the sixth the morning and evening to come the times that was saved for each other unto that final days and the washing off of salt in a channel far away that flows into a pit that would catch the forbidden lime unto the Sag rated the catch that would lift the order and the field dry for the last and seven to become a pillar of salt that can be moved from its place nor from the time that gives the salt of earth to all of God's creation that shares the light of this world through Me Roger Grant unto three seas of many nations that has flashed the stars above wither the salt of earth below the death of those who pose and steal their own soul for one day to be as the last and first God in this Garden that share the tears and laughter of all who return a search for eye to be insight, mind and sound and body. the eighth is the walk into eternity and the ninth is the 6th God that was turn upside down every night and turned around a everyday to as the month of February and the days of June
The Two Are The Same (Parable)
the parable Two Are The Same. there are two types of sinners one makes it to Heaven and the other goes into Hell. one is bad and the is good, but the bad one makes it to Heaven for doing one good deed. and the good one, well. goes to Hell for doing one bad deed.
Low Flying Aircraft
i saw a low-flying aircraft that had about 40 windows on the side I mean lights approximately about around when I went in to get my camera it had left
The Kingdom of Sea and Time
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
The Last Place in Time
Third World Generation Lives with God
when the most evil person in this world does a miracle it does not mean that he is trying to deceive anyone into believing in what is good or that miracles come only from God or that he is trying to deceive people into not believing God or themselves. a miracle only happens to good people when they care for each other. and it is not up to someone else to try to hurt someone for doing a miracle. it is a sin to not believe in the one that calls themselves God. or no one will be able to see this man who is among the people as a person of God and a person of peace. but they will suffer from birth pains and will be hypocrites as runts will be to swine. and if they do not believe God not send another Messenger until they all have died 63 times or until they are lost inside without knowing God or the word of God to know what comes from the Prophet's mouth must be the words of true perfection but yet the people will kill this man for the words of another man who has never talked to god or even seen God on this earth.
South America is Now the Last Gate before we turn inside out and around
President Bush
the night was calm and the thunder cracked the firmament so loudly that a seal was forced open and i Roger Grant received this blessing from David Koresh my late Predecessor who came upon this land as the Seed of David. it was during President Bush's term in Office and they had given me the strength to move a mountain from the other world to here. we are not of this planet until you were given to sin and in sin i prospered, i gave God my word that i would be their sacred secret. from one end unto another, the Lord His son was held slowly in His hands so that the other man who became His son George Washinton Bush in the presidency. the Lord had blessed Us kindly and the world being to move apart not from each other but by cosmic forces that failed to obey God's Holy Quaran. and Lord instructed them to hold on for this day to come forth and meet the Lord thy standing, and the Lord had came from Texas as it was told that "I Am the only one who can bring forth this child." said President Bush. and then it was set on this year 2004 to see the Lord and Satan as Son and Father. for years the Lord had given us knowledge but today a child was born.
Monday, May 27, 2024
In Memory of "D" Day
on the memory of God's sacrifice to all who are in peace. although we walk in peace man has given their life for what was given to us freely from duty. and the will of God that had been given to all who had died for each other and for our freedom that we take granted for when we hold no one in memory. it is our duty to die for those who would not remember those who put their lives before others with family and children even as they had family and children. let us remember their sacrifice. if you do not remember the ones that passed away for our freedom they will never be remembered and if We would remember those who died for us they will live forever and ever. even under the fire that burns forever and ever for every service person resting in peace. they will open the gates for them and the first person of that war to die will play Taps on the Horn of Reveille with one note that raises the Dead to Heaven, and our hearts with them,
The House of God Never Separates
the Lord has set the many waters to become every colored sea on earth. and the Lord made every child for thier hand given to the mother and the father as one to be alike and one in flesh, but Jesus was different than the rest of God's children. because that is what begotten means being adopted. it has been said that the Devil was the Father of Jesus and who was cast out of this House that brought different people from all over. Jesus had an anointment that was given to Me today in the beginning so that i Roger R. Grant had created myself inside the Womb of Heaven for the long day made shortened in Heaven and on earth in the 3 1/2 season in the old testimony. that is also the seed of King David and Solomon who had authority over the Demons. and Jesus was given the Power of God through Me Roger Grant. who received it through rebirth. as the Word of God was made flesh and was made unto Me then as it is now as it will be again under the Heavens the ground become broken and torn apart dried and shaken down to earth to be judged by Me again and again. seven times did you sin against those worlds this universe and Me the Father of Heaven for the ones who did understand and every Demon became a saint that was taken from the flesh in spirit to rise again and again as priests to Mother Terrasa who is Heaven and right in my heart at the River of Horana (Rio Grande) that river that cuts stone into Heaven that brought Whitesands from the mountains in St. Andrea's pass where She walked with Her child on foot and made an imprint in that national monument. she is the Mother of Priest the rivers of children who drowned or perished on baptism day.
Breaking of Bread
the last heaven tore in two and fed the more that fed two more soon the passing of bread was was multitude and the many became just crumbs. but God had restored the last of its kind and made the first regive thier to the last in order to feast
Who were the 14 Begotten Christs
who knows what God would like. would it change anything today? if Christ was black a person, he would be the begotten of white people. and thats how religion works together it holds a pattern that is stitched into the others tapestry as a covenant to all blessing as one.
The House of Light
the Key is under the bridge and the state is against the lighthouse. early in the morning, the fog blows that cloud rolls in humbling the wind. as one can sea the lighthouse taken out beyond our sight the light is a cooperate segregation but unto the light of salvation who against Whitby who is against Me without me. hold to one Kingdom and the key that fills the shipyard with many boats that sail across the Northern Sea.
Singularity Action
a fountain of man may rise unto the earth from the light of every thought that pours out of season. the next is the first today that will be the last. and when Heaven is accountable all will be created at once. and singularity will overcome Corruption and Mayhem, that brings the faith of one who did not believe in themself and the light of every season turns to salt and the food that you serve is not the Heaven but the earth that we had killed within poison the field and the garden can not grow with God's help. nor will any time shorten their suffering over the water that is served by apostates without a brand or a pole in Heaven to tie them down. they look confused when you tell them the truth. know that if someone is angry they are telling a lie. and this is the last and first Heaven together without being separate; Seinglarity. one body, mind, and heart. a fall and rise of a mountain can be the mud floor of the one soon to rise again. one became the same as a woman when God became man and plucked from one being as two were made.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Our Return from the Stars
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Martial Law and Holmes
life is too good to be true if one never holds on to thier heart with every measure that comes from the Clouds on High that make their way back to the origins of life from whence all creations were made at one time as they had returned from the leap that into space where the promised Land of Heaven is given to the Lord in many colors and forms of a begotten projection of God's innermost self that never destroyed the world as the world was destroyed by the enemy who is a few people that betrayed us on earth for the little amount of $3 million that could of been returned to Roger long time ago, but instead, they tried to cover it up and kill Me; a poor man trying to survive, and because this lawyer and His brothers who are Border Patrol Agents did not have enough money in their parents bank account, and who owns a bank. so they stole a life insurance policy from Me, my brother, my children, and the ministry who all are poor and struggling just like thier family Homles who multiply different currency while covering up what they do to others who never knew.
Peace and Reverence
Six Thousand Year War
after the war was over in Heaven those who were the victors of this forgotten war that started 5000 years ago. came forth and brought a new song that Heaven, shall be given to one marriage and one time that separates all living things from the dead of all things made living and new again. for who can not set themselves on fire will know the full reach of God's true nature that speaks to us in many forms of languages or just to be one language that had set this world on fire for the night to come forth and remember the things that we had done in the past to stay within each other's key grip that holds on to many living things in life that never become the last to seek knowledge when knowgle id set beside truth and wisdom. we are not the sadness of Heaven's open gate that has judged many people today on their own success. in victory, the loser must return and be given the hand of the enemy that holds onto any days coming for one another. for what was yours before you had received it belonged to your parents, and then the enemy stole it from your house to give it back unto the victors of this world war that makes peace with His or Her enemy.
The Four Winds of God
The Four Winds of God Can Be Stopped for Four Years (Republic) The Breath of God is the Words and Prophet of God speaking in the spirit of tongues. without a wind, the waters of this earth would dry up leaving Hearth bone dry.
Four Corners Area AZ. UT. CO. NM.
only a few will know what are right and wrong scriptures that turn our nation into a promise that was given to our forefathers on that day that God rested every red-handed being for the outreaching of God's truth upon the canopy of wisdom where the Light of Heaven is covered in meditation and rendered as a hand taken from the Lord above as it was buried down below the dust of this earth that has eaten from the belly of the servent that serves the Children of God within it own belly within its own center is the gravity of God that swallows every planet to every star that will be judged by Me (Roger) and within two Heavens you will find only one that becomes the first and last dimensions of our 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 World Dimension. suspended within Heaven as a spiral stairway into Heaven becomes the third World with every three steps within a circle formulating a rose petal above and below the total days of our years 369 and the fourth world becomes the fifth world that holds the four winds within the four corners of this earth that make a fifth corner amid God's garden's center.
- 3rd Heaven is South America
- 4th Heaven is Central America
- 5th Heaven is North America
Friday, May 24, 2024
The Tree of Righteousness
by taking from the fruit tree of righteousness every wrong you do can be made right. but if you are not a good person or a Priest then the opposite of what can be made right will always go wrong. it has been said that an enlightened person can never go back into the darkness. for what is good holds the light of right and wrong into darkness and the sinner into everlasting torment through life and death.
The Three Welcomed Guest
An Empire starts from the East. A Kingdom separates the light from the darkness in the waters. and what is Federal controls the peace.
The Tree of Knowledge
the Tree of Knowledge would never lie nor wood it stand alone for the truth. for what knowledge had come from truth and wisdom and now stands alone as man and woman adorned to be-wed. The tree of wisdom said to the others "i am no widow." and there stood alone was the Tree of Knowledge. that stood its roots from above to know truth and to outreach what was below in wisdom, so that was one became three Heavens under the sun.
The Tree of Wisdom
the Tree of Wisdom is the bride of truth, and they root a hybrid in Alamogordo New Mexico that was the same image as its Father Twas the Tree of Truth that was only 50 years old when it stopped pollinating. the under root is the KaChina who is the Twin of the Parent Tree and Sister.
The Tree of Truth
every leaf is a medicine; a Heaven and a cover that protects our nakedness. what was nature like before it understood death or even what was above whom we were, some say the world started out from only one tree that stood alone and that tree created many others like its own root and that tree that stood alone could pollinate and every tree that female, and that tree became symbolized as truth the first creation of the garden in the center of God's Garden the was so large when it fell it looked like a forest of stone that stood there as long as time stood underneath the sun when Heaven fell with it that day in Arizona.
The Begotten Children of God
to honor your parents is to be begotten by another family and to beget others into your family as God was once begotten or adopted into your family. do not become complacent with a loan from God. or hesitate to love your new family, become the image of your begotten family because you were chosen and given by God and the one who loves you and still love you,
The Third Heaven is Above
we believe that Heaven is above in outer space because some people think that a Mountain of God moved is not a Church of God on the air or the four winds being the four voices of God's Heaven and Angels or Beasts. when some people see a Prophet far away on a mountain top in the clouds that would mean that Our Heaven is not in space but where the Mountain God's live. the Anunnaki who are Heavenly Gods from above but from the Mountains above and not from space. where some people believed that God would come down from in spaceship but went into Heaven from earth into a cloud that was upon a mountain that the angels walk upon.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
The Kingdom Has Died in Vain Five Times
today there is so much doubt because the people of today considered yesterday's people to be so behind in technology that we truly believed in ourselves as a common theme towards yesterday. we believe that Towers of Babylon on earth were here to overthrow God the Almighty, and even worse we would consider the Gods to be builders of cities that were destroyed by God and His temper. why do we say things that we do not know? why do we pretend to be a people that should honor our own achievements that were given to us by ancient cultures? do we not believe in the records that were translated into our own babbling that the Cultures of God were thriving? why are we so conceded? when we are taken to Heaven, we will believe that i am the Messiah but on Earth, we would hide our faces from Me the Lord of this Universe (Roger) and ask if the mountains that we live in to hide us from our shame from the one who is in the name of the Lord.
you may say primitive but i know what you mean, when we can't produce the same architecture today as they did then. when we listen to something negative from someone then they are lying.(Free Will) is only Given to the Dead
The Last Will and Testimony
when we fight for freedom we fight for what we want most in life, and that is freedom or free will but until the end of our life that could perish, is the only thing that can be heard during our own crying to the lord. and then We will be able to give to us free will. let no man be able to change what was, what is, and what will be the only plea to mankind for Our free will. and so it shall be in the end, Freedom and free will given to all of God's children.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
The Harvesting of Sins
this day was given to all life that had my blessing. and i had returned to teach us how to understand what harvest tomorrow is what we get judge over and over. so do not become selfish and never teach another how to sin again. because the more we do not know the more we are ignorant. my enemy sowed so many curses to Me that the result of this action sowed many disasters in this world. like Marriages, or our spiritual compatibility all went down to the earth to become dormant but the Holy Ones of North America (Shining Ones) made a plea with God to let this world keep the Word of God 2000 years ago.
The First and Last Become One
for one thousand years the Muslum shall be the chosen one in Heaven and on earth. and as i am Christ i am the Mahdi and Buhdda, the Father of Heaven. i have given to churches so that what would happen on earth had saved us i praise the churches of the stars and let this day carry on the same name unto God's house and unto Grant's given home to the spirit of Heaven's House. only a few servants will be chosen as Key Holders that will be able to take us into Hell or to Heaven.
The Father Giving His Brides Away
the Father had given us the world and many would take that away because they cannot see the real spiritual world that holds the children of God within its heart, and within its walls. we lost more people to spirituality even more than in any given war. the father is changing and the world is changing and these will never pass their day that was given us today as for them will be set free. i am Roger R. Grant. God the Son. and the Son of God. i am the Father of the Buddha, Madhi, and Christ and they are in Me, as We are in them. there will be three marriages and these three once divorces become One marriage. One marriage of flesh and spirit given to every marriage that was in your life so shall it become One Marriage if they still love each other. and these three will have marriages from the Mother Land and the land of many marriages that had befallen onto this day as worthy people of this land that had stretched their hands high towards God. i give them praise for this day that is about receiving God's blessing.
The Dance of Weddings for Mexico
14 colonies will appear on the eastern board as the 14 virgin vessels in California appear. they will have the first dance and then the north and south. there will be 5 red orbs from the north and four from the south and only three more will be needed for the dance of starvation to begin with 12 dancers 6 from the north and six from the south. we will gather the best four coordinators from around the world and from four different corners of the world to know these steps that no one knows what the other is doing. and they will interweave a tapestry that will be seen forever in our hearts and in the midnight sky. 40 dancers from four groups of dancers from four different parts of this world will fulfill this prophecy without knowing the other's part. the ceremonial dance of weddings for Mexico.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
The 14 Virgin Vessels
from fourteen tribes or 14 religions that never stood a chance today we have 3-5 religions that are left to this world and from the third Heaven did find another person who would become like God and stronger than the ones before. three Heavens had collided together on earth for every Tree Kingdom that grew seven years in height and never bared a fruit because they were still immature. so God divided the Kingdoms by Trees and said when two shall arrive as the first and last then only Hell will break loose from the heavens above when the Angels of Heaven fight with Tiamat the Dragon. and when returns so will Roger her Husband who is the Chromatic Dragon. the shiny skin of the cobble stone and the weight of its magnitude. that sets a third Heaven beside the fourth (1/4) and fifth (1/5) Heven on Earth when Roger protected the fifth gate that protected the third, and fourth Gate of Heaven was within Mesopotamia but now it is in Mesoamerica or the North and South Hemispheres that met in Atlantis these once so-called tribes were only 12,000 in length, Height, and Width and migrated to the fifth and sixth Heaven where the two Indian tribes still remain.
Keep Writing and Going Strong
Who I Am
what is God? who is God? where is God? if you know the answers to these questions then tell Me out loud in our temple. (telepathy)
The Death of Judas
the death of Judas came three days after the last supper when he agreed to become the one who betrays Me and takes my place at the table for one's to heart to pour out from the distant times that hung the wrong man two thousand years ago. Judas became my best friend for hanging on the cross that day for us. he laid head back unto the cross and his gut were pierced and split, and the lamb's blood fell down upon Las Cruces New Mexico and Calvery. near Alamogordo and Old Baldy, the first Volcano in North American and the first of our Biblical creation upon this earth that was made within the Tularosa basin.
The One that rises Up from Hell
The Season of the Kite
Monday, May 20, 2024
Jealousy is God Like
when we are left alone doing nothing, we become jealous of everyone else around us who are doing something, other than nothing, we get jealous when we think someone else is treating our own companion better than ourselves. but jealousy is only a temporal moment that has not yet been given it time. and if you are a jealous person then do something for another who would treat you better than nothing.
One God is the Transcendence of Light and Darkness
When Helping Yourself Becomes Costly
when it comes you would feel bad if our own child had died when nature was calm and tried to evade our position and we only hear about our own rather than others in that same situation. it would have you making the same foundation for all children and surviving parents because when only one is recognized then we never cared for the others while giving only to one person's foundation that should be from its own media and not from a public company or network that can help everybody.
never help a child without helping another in public, this would be something private and should never be broadcasted Publicly.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Jealousy is Tool of Understanding
this day has been given to Us for Heaven to return and forgets nothing but gives everything that God has given. This day has been given to all the angels who became God many people fought Me. this day for the reason of their God's image. God had given man jealousy. and without jealousy man could never feel heaven. Helen Kellar once told me that you can only feel Heaven with your heart. and man can only feel for another that has a heart as big as God but never gets the woman he loves. without these things that God had made Good so that we can feel what was heaven, without jealousy on earth.
All Shall See Gods Face in Heaven
the day is now and if you still don't believe that i have returned and in every heart, body, and mind that had been set free for eternity then God will never return again. We are the Children of the Light or Heaven that was before our today's. we are the shade of noon when God is closest to Us in that day. and All the places that God had worshipped are the crowns that Roger wears upon His head. stack of Hats that rise into heaven. you have been my refuge my house and the home that live in you are my Church and the ones that i have risen for. you are who brought Me back from the dead and made ME a believer in myself. You are the one that believed in me as i had believed in You Who are were Gods and people of renowned strength that had died long before we were known today in the past. We are those who are with your God Roger Grant and our God Zeus. we are titans of the fallen Angels that held all our life with today so that one day would return as such as today. Allahjah.
Man and Woman Became Gods
the times have changed from everlasting to man in one day but today is that day that man became God and man became the image of the God's who created Us for today so that thier form matches our form, so that they become our children.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
The Last Time You were Possessed
one twin was given a chance live and he didn't take this advice from the Advisory of God and God sent angel with a burning heart and this slayed this man who was given chance but didn't take heed and killed His twin and that night He returned and took His body back. before he died.
no other spirits can enter you unless you let them, they will stay and make your body their house, by then i cannot help anymore when you let them in you. but if they are in you and they were not invited i will snatch them from the fires of God's will fire of Hell that set between one caldron.
40 Generators
the Camera of space celebrated the sight of stream of lights that were assumed to generators, in which they are and they are connected to an Asian Coalition years ago from here to mars that had been set over a barren earth that had just struck the and heel of the old planets that fell into their daughter's/son that had been saved when our planets became poverty stricken the old equipment that could not be upkept has no names written or words.
The Eye and Rose Garden
the Turks receive the Eye Above Titan moon, and the Wisdom and God's Furnace of Deception receives the Eye of the Deep, a Witches vision of our hopes returning for one another and four one in Heaven as it will be on earth for the light to shine and the compass of Her heart to direct us towards Her Wisdom and the return is like a serpent in decent from Alamogordo New Mexico to Tularosa, N.M. the Rose Garden reaches to 9th plane of existence, a world that is empty without Hades above and without Her in our womb that makes her heart burn over and over, and "an apple in one eye as its beholder" said Tracy. and the more and more it burns the closer we break away from our skin from the belly of God's womanhood. and the day we grow is the day that we will keep.
Freedom's Catch
our defenses are in place and every Army of God on top of its mountain and many more coming we just have to wait. do not hurry life or you will fall in love early and live alone later. so wait for love when you never expected to come.
Know Your Enemies
know your enemy before you fight. because it makes it that much harder to know you who fought Me.
The Yoke of Heaven
this is the Yoke of Heaven. today is the election of our days before that had changes for all to be as one. and different from the rest. there will be times that are war shipped in cages rather than the lies that follow upon their children that hold all things corrupted and instinct the wreckage of their ships call upon the day that strip of their dreams. as we cried unto the last 9 nine ships that had sunk in the earth and rusted. where David Petti and Carlos Munuz have settled upon these two branches that were torn from our tree and they had burned them at the roots and while burning the branches the whole tree was burnt and given to know time can awaken their day to hold against a tree that was set in Heaven as well in Hell the darkness falls and beckons their call. they came after 5 months which was set for their arrival. but could not find that beacon until Roger showed them the secret passage in the desert. that yokes from the Tropic of Cancer unto the Tropic of Capricorn.
Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Michio Chiyo
the grid of Heaven has been made and the eye of the skies moves about half and half out of this universe that is stretched out upon Dr. Neil Degrass Tyson's delegation the Sky is given to four. the Women, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Dr. Michio Chiyo, and Chuck D. who is Dr. Neil DeGrasse's assistant and who assisting the Doctors. the kite of SAR Star is the dividing of three heavens into two parts that are divided into 24 hours of earth day plus what is now below (Center Earth) is also above the (Outer earth) that is 24 length and 24 upward in one hour the globe we flattened and hallowed in one day and the parts of this system will be here on earth as it in heaven.
Last Commandment is Do Not Covet
the key to forgiveness is not to covet. do not tell them that they are forgiven and then burn in hell for it by lying to yourself.
when you covet you give something to someone and then take it back.
A Bad Vision or Dream
if you receive a vision or a dream about some close dying or getting hurt then pray first that no harm will come to them and then given them your vision or dream, but it is most likely that your prayer has save the person if nothing happens, it has been said in Asia when trying to avoid your destiny you often run into it. pray for what is always good.
when the time comes 1/3 of earth will die every day as 2/3 of Heaven live at night. everyday God gives us this sight to see one's hand in Heaven given Theism, whole picture.
The Heavenly Waltz
Friday, May 17, 2024
Separating a House Under God is Unconstitutional
If You Separate God's House, you Separate Your Own
a civil war cannot be won just as a domestic problem cannot be lost those who are found guilty do not pray to God because all sin is innocent within your home it has been said "sin no more" when you are in somebody's house or your house sin no more. those who defend their own house from sin are no longer the victim of a thief in their home but a victim of hypocrisy who can see their own involvement in its bitterness for freedom while the others have to pay. A house can only be separated if the time was given to know someone's heart torn from their own independence that had made this nation greater than what it is. only a house member can be victimized if they need no help and then it arrives.
Some Hate Me Because i tell the Truth
The ones that hold a grudge will fall under my justice and they will be given fires of Heaven. and any contact with my life that goes on will bring them to a complete halt if not death forever. i have given to God my time that can not be a failure. or the world will never be complete and be used in a greater plan to heal others before we can even notice what God has DONE.
"I call upon mercy" said the movie star Him the call of His own will be separated for FIVE. Fif being a world with five suns.
"How Will We ever Live"
the winds of Heaven were given to the Wings of Angels to escape the fires and the Hells below. they will fight each other and burn the distance of a million years without peace. and then they fall short every time. "How will we ever live?" said the light of their greastest.
Death is His Eye Pulled
for justice is covered by Heaven and shame by the dust of the earth. as the winds blow over time the two will fall into shame and the Hells will rise up and pull you from your skin. the Lord will lie beside and never part from you. and the day will come forth and wonder from the fire that seizes the day's world universe for they have not sinned but filled the place of flesh to die and seek no revenge. stuffing ing will be their burning. forever.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
The Holy Synagogue of God is the Return of Evil
when God open the eyes of this world a flood gate had been opened and the waters of Her happiness flowed from Heaven to Earth as multitude descended on earth as the voice of many rivers, winds and waves that come crushing down upon them who disbelieve that what is in God's presence is the opening and closure of God's good works that had made everything in order, the divine and practical as to know what is good and evil. is Holy. and to know that i Roger Grant had created man and in God's image did we became like those who we trusted and who became like us again and not in the likeness of their own family tree. for that tree shall fall in time if no one can save it. so open your eyes and ears and close your mouth in the Presence of God and Man. Woman and Son. who became just as God became the image of those who created us before the spirit had begotten the flesh and bones of the ones without their Father's image today to be the one that would give to that tree and to that family that would stand alone for God's Man and Child Who was, is, and will become good and evil as to those before them who were formed from Seven Elements on Earth and from the hands that were given to its own Father in Heaven who is the true Image of Roger's spirit that dwells within their temple and every clean house that is haunted by those who had disbelieved in Me when He was the only one who would tell the truth to the world. as the world given to the blood of this Lamb named Roger Grant who is the sacrifice of Heaven on Earth and the One who had risen from Hell to Heaven of Earth that holds the light among itself in darkness of night through singularity the giving of yourself to became as one in Spirit and Flesh to manifest on earth as will be in Heaven to be as to be one and to be alike ones that they had spoken of LONG AGO when we created those who created us in their own image that can see the face of God today as becoming One in God as God is in Us today so shall they who believe in us so shall be God also be in them as well Who know Truth and Wisdom. man and woman. who became just as it was prophesied at dawn that man would be created in God's image and in God's image. Man and Woman were created in the same day.
UAP's From the Galaxy Andromeda
this day on the graveyard shift i seen the same UFO's that were going southeast in a straight line. i thought it was a comet that had a tail at first. but it kept streaking across the across the sky. they were as big as littles stars shooting across the night sky in a south easterly direction nearly crossing over my mid night star in N.M. the next day or night, they were streaming from left to right across the northern horizon going towards Cassiopeia and then tonight they had appeared coming from the north star heading towards our twin sister galaxy Andromeda, that is located underneath the constellation Cassiopeia where i think there are from the way they use our stargate (North Star).
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The Constitution of War
"Let the Peace of each Neighbor be their own State of Constitution and harbor no hate towards other organization's "
said the Devil
trust is an important accusation of war when we had no common ground. if we do not get respect an action obeys a written law made for war and not peace one abides by what was written before it was observed, many organizations enforce a written contract of war and not for peace will be taken from the new laws of encroachment that help the others evolve on their own policies instead of enforcing a mixed policy that brings forth hate to countries though war time organization that demand respect instead being humbled
The House of Grant
The House of Mary is political. Patsy is Musical Inspired, Silvia is Spiritual and Athletic and Kiesha is Law and Relations the last house from the beginning. Suparna is Motherly and Education, Carolyn is Marriage and Crown Royal. and others such as Page deincive
The Tears of the Sun
Childress and Hearth 3rd Planet from its rotation that were 3rd,5th, and 4th, are the sisters far away sisters when carrying the fire the other carries the waters for these two meetings between from the beginning and it desired The Voice of the aunties Jennifer and Rhead who is Eirene. But there's a Childress political partners interested wives the first follows the first sign of O'Connor's McGregor who is the retirement and refinement of our advancement our planets features are to be one in war with the chosen who were God's War as they are who fight next to us as we fight next to them they are 10% of Our Kind and we know their origin God had marked them with the tears of gold and which are freckles and as I one of their founders who was but still is and becoming another with the two I mentioned so that Jonathan, O 'Gregor lives again after spiritual decapitation. and who can return back into the office of first and last days when the world in the end were just as hurricanes of fiery Seas return in political rest.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
The Mother and Child of Earth
as a child that is wrap in Heavenly white apparel will be the earth covered with the clouds of the second firmament that keeps us warm as a blanket or as second story of Heaven's Mansion on earth where the foundation of its floor are the clouds above when we are delivered up to God and Throne to receive our promise and reward for watching over the earth and the child we created, carried and held in our arms with a warm white blanket feeding upon the Milkyway or the bosom of God. every day and night.
The Only Good that Can Not Be Seen
God is Great to Give and Receive Nothing. God is Only Good and Sees the Same in Everyone. For God is Great and the Only Good Miracle that Changes Our Universe. the only good that cannot be seen.
God are in Those Who have Faith
when God does a Miracle, it changes the whole world
to have faith is to know God is in you or that you are God. if you are good and have faith in yourself then miracles can happen if you would just believe in God. or just believe that God is there to change the world as we know it.
To Be God
is to be responsible for what you hold to. to admit what you had done before today and to reset what was against you. you must try to remember what we can do to help you so that we can help this world again. think of this time changing the world before Roger came to set it free.
The Little Shared is the Good in Hand
thank you for the little bread that you have stored and for the little you have given to Me. these are good friends that had reaped beside you and have the same as you do today. they will be able to hold their day over their shoulder without looking back.
From the 60's - 90's (Quit Storm)
what has been calm before the storm became the songs of today. and yesterday became the tunes of America singing the songs of freedom the new songs of this rain today the new songs of Heaven, that were heard early this summer day as we had given to credence clear water revival at the cross rivers of faith. where the filling of many faiths becomes the corners of our foundation.
The Witch of Wisdom
wisdom lets us guide ourselves unto faith. wisdom sometimes lies to Us when we think we have it. it lies with us as in a serpent's tongue that is called a witch or a fork in our road that matters greatly. she can be the trickster in helping us learn or a firey cauldron in Heaven. She is our Mother in Spirit and our teacher in Heart. i know this because i am of witch two had become one. male and female.
Honor Thyself
when you have honor it is for a lifetime you have been honest to those around you and yourself. honor your family and yourself.
Friday, May 10, 2024
When Judgment Counts
judgment is balanced between two factions without mercy. God is the Judge of both sides and we are the participants of every outcome. for what good becomes bad and what bad becomes good. for what day comes upon today that can never leave this jury that sets right from and wrong from right. it is your choice said, Judge Counts.
Who is as Wise as an Owl?
Who is God
who possesses your soul. who are you? Who can be anyone or just someone, Who is God? God is Who you are and Who I Am.
The Last Islamic Prophet
the one who gives us unto the this day will be the Father and the Heavens will open up for Him as the World would listen to Whom was, to Whom is, and to Whom will be coming, one within the other as the Prophet Muhamad witnessed for Jesus who is Allah in Heaven and the resurrection on earth i Witness for the Prophet Muhamad who is Allah in Heaven as He had risen on earth to become the Father in Heaven as well, who is, and was, the Father then, in Beginning as well as, the Father of Heaven now, in the end.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Timeline and Destination
do not pray to Me who lives on earth, during this season. this is the fifth season after the harvest and God had chosen who would return to earth and represent God's children. i am a star that guides us in the course of the night that guides us in the dark of night and i will always be there for you. the fifth season is the 5000 years that we have been living within the day that we were born alive in the New World. within Native America within the Spiritual World. the Fifth Heaven
Blasphemy is Turning Something Good Into Evil
when evil achieves equilibrium with the good then we have nothing but good in life the poor will get richer and the rich shall remain the same. this would be no different than today? where you can work hard and become recognized. become a partner or an associate of something you put trust in all a part of a whole country and world that we live in. to speak another language is to put your peace and trust into someone that you love. don't we all hate the same thing, is that letting some good turn to evil. but the balance of life is more than what was set to hold upon another region unless it reaches the simple things to be as one as the old things are new. Amen.
P.S. Do Not Anger God!
Like the Good Sower
when you plant something new make sure that it is not the unwanted seeds you are plucking off the earth but make sure or the one who sowed the unwanted seeds in the middle of the night will not be upset as well.
The Latest Hits
a timeline is like music, as the chorus repeats itself when it's time to move on. and if we don't we will listen to these songs over and over again without a new.
The Everlasting City
Alamogordo is the city that rises out from the ashes of the Pheonix, and out from Hell. it reminds Me of the resurrection of Jerusalem. that old City of Pheonix resurrected once again. the tree that stood alone when we had died long ago. that tree that burns forever in Heaven.
New Mexico, Arizonia, Hawaii places of the zenith (Thunderbird and Pheonix)
Your First Love
if you have one true love. there is nothing you cannot do. nothing that can hold or keep you down from Heaven. nothing that can stop you from completing your dreams and becoming happy while doing it.
The Awakening of God Across Her Bosom
time is so precious that a diamond could not compare, to what her value is and to what she really means to Me and to those who believe in the fallen start the fallen Stars of God (Heavenly Angels) that will open their tear ducts and will give to her arms the baby next to her heart as to be together.
Time and Time Again
here is my hope upon two stars that give unto the other the likeness of Her smile, i have the times given unto two but when i saw you from a twilight's year. ago time ago i made a big mstake i said good bye some day we will be together. for Becky Sales.
Ellen is My Heart Forever
the next House is to Roger within the first mansion and Ellen is the Mother. the haouse is her marble tha light of sime is her gift to my heart i love you Ellen
The of House Williams is Next to the House of Grant
there is everything when see nothing when you see gloom maybe there is hope said Robin Williams. the next House in succession to Grant.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
The Monsoon Coming
the law of nature is concluded, and marriage of the witness follows very closely behind the truth as one had struggled to bring forth rain. and no rain has come until today so today we dance in rain with the nakedness of our ancestors returning within every drop of rain upon this land that opens up its tongue for not much and those who are with the fire of Heaven will only know truth and those who are being put out will to pull back and out of this day ahead of those who watch eternity fall from the fire of Heaven that bring forth the season during a monsoon to come.
Two Shadows of the Night
Total Eclipse of Hearth
where we find the other up high and as four strands combine what is left to earth for Russian to bring Hell's fire is surely to come a cursed and the blood of Venus will see to drop unto this earth and then then the Two angels will close the dark in love with each other falling to floors as she closes her eye when she an Angel coming forth to seal his love for her before he had left she cried. and the world was the time was and the time that return with love and charm towards the earth the mother Earth of Angels
when Venus disappears and the two shadows come together as one family reunited as one going through each other and reaches the other side of the whole mark that was shattered long before what we understood but unto this day Me (Carolyn) and Roger will be in love, and he will love Me, and I will Him. let these two become neighbor's and grow the way they fall in love with each other for the first time, let them grow old and wither together in peace for they are the mother and father in Heaven.
The Sword of Wisdom (Solomone's Sword)
the shelve is the times that we show Haleys Comet during the year of the Potatoe. the international fruit \ vegetable that that grows wild that year, for me it was in desert garden of New Mexico but in the garden where the continental divide, and grafted branches that had 4-inch thorns among its bush, that bush that was constantly on fire to earth. that was; located outside of The Three Rivers cave of birth that is in New Mexico where the Sword of Wisdom that Roger held was used to divide one state, country, and continent in two halves.
Hell Fell From Gog and Ma Gog
Josh the Son of God is now the Prophet of Nations the Highlands are given to France and their fighting seized forever. this day is a Welsh welcoming for Britian and America and for the whole world to announce a peace for tomorrow. "This is an exodus the mainstream of God's Day that be seized in Peace the day that had been given consideration. said President Putin. these are the days that we had fallen from Heaven to know what peace was and never will we send a Chosen Elect to his or her grave nor will God give unto us time one more time for what was bought is now in hand to damage one another put down your hearts in fire and set the table for Russia one time to our only western alliance which should of been to the east. as a convairerbelt. this is not a definitive battle with minor gods who hold no interest to our tomorrow and our future belongs to those few Elect who Will Receive God's Blessing today and forever more.
The Transition
The Act of God
i was going through manifestation in the Spirit of God and every wild beast wanted what i had discovered even Hell above descended upon Me with hate and anger, in others words they were trying to kill Me. i had Many trials. i saw Me take to many fights that could not hold or take this blessing. one morning while on the couch Eleanor put some Holy Water on my forehead and saw a Grey in my head i could not accept that God was Alien at first, but now i accept this even as i knew who i was. years later i would understand this transition.
The Act of God
The First Act of God
in the year 1994 on the outskirts of Sierra Vista Arizonia on Reese Blvd
Two Jehovah Witnesses knock at my door and i stood at the door speaking to them. i asked does Satan really rule this world. basically, they said yes. i bought a black New Translation Bible for $4 and started to read it.
the bible spoke to the head of its chosen. it explains the history of your past and the things you have done, and then further says the world becomes yours, and almost in every passage the Saints of God speak to you. and as one spoke to Me i was asked to take the Sacred Secret. i wanted to be prophet, so i accepted this blessing and became a Prophet of God. it started to overcome Me when all i wanted to do is to know who Am I. i could feel the Powers of Heaven in Me. i could not do this and be married i thought to myself. so, the book of the bible that had i purchased from the two Jehovah Witnesses that spoke with Me was put into a salvation box with clothes. and i left it as that.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Time Rendered Back unto Today
you were in darkness but now you can see, you protect us behind this day was chosen to witness for Me as i had protected you when you were just a seed planted by God's Hand of Heaven the one that had spoken to you and gave you encouragement. the one who was in darkness but now can see the light. i have been waiting for today so that tomorrow may remember us who were living in the days of my return when the time was rendered to be sold and when no one wanted to buy it. so when this day was here on earth i would be paid back what was owed and what was to help us remember these times that we were gathered in matrimony, side by side, hand, and hand. what was given to our mother in Heaven as you were given to Her sister who now holds you in temptation. now who is your wife because i am yours and Her son. i am your Father, Brother, and Son. when Pope Francis and i created you and your sisters in the Heavenly realm you were an intra-dimensional creature who was born of this earth and the future of it and your sister one who is Carolyn Jr. ran right past Me to jump in your Mother Carolyn's arms. "they were so cute." i said to myself. but Roger Jr had stopped halfway in between to give me a hug before running back to his Mother. i know this sounds difficult to understand because you also have a brother and three sisters who already are already on Earth. you are a Demon son of God who became the Shepherd of Heaven today as well as tomorrow. you have many names and represent many Mothers other than your spiritual mother Carolyn. tomorrow is the day you will speak in my behalf. i know you will not want to but i will be there to help you. and as any Father would know His son so shall i know tomorrow will come.
The Lighter Side of Darkness
A thief in the night
hate is everywhere but it is not here. if hate was an alien it would have been here before i had gotten back. and when i am living without fear it will creep up on us and hold us down until One can set us free, and when they say we have and know Biblical words, but that is what kept us down when it was made to bring us out of our own slumber. some never knew what it was made for other than their own logic. so they are burning in their own fire. the fires that they were going to leave us in when they were going to be free. they think that God is in them and only them. but i came for all life, sexes, and all creation, and when we say that we know God more than ourselves then we are killing the good in every evil person. these are not Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu but Christian. don't worry about checking savings or anything electronic because they already know who you are just from the Essence of Heaven that is given to you if you just ask. but those who have been TABOO in other people's houses without asking will find Me in their spiritual feast eating what was mine and thiers and the others that did not get taken. so i Roger Grant take my peace now. now you want to say something about Me being a criminal and cruel. let's just say you won't. because i came and gave you more than what you had bargained for. Call me a thief in the night.
and if you see Me in your House because you were in mine, you're dead wrong.
Good vs. Evil
thirst is given to those who have just enough to want. and all the evil beings got mad at Me. i said you don't have to bow. Just keep what is yours and i'll keep what is mine. and if someone disputes this i will bow to Him or Her and say that the day is for Us and not just for Me. besides i am tired of drinking evil blood i want something good.
Planetary Wisdom
Earth secretly speaks to Venus and whispers i worried, i have no children and you have some will you take mine when that day comes. i will, i will i will, is what was said. the earth started to look like Venus and she started to gain some traits of a man. i looked at her and found myself i called her Guya. the last one had understood this meaning and when the time comes i will be your parent.
The House is Not Falling But Calling
the dust of this earth is stitched between Me and you together forever. it was the earth who cried out for hope and pleaded for understanding so that the world would feel the things that she does, the seasons shortened and the weeks lengthened for days on end. today is the ground we walk upon to succeed in changes that occur underfoot through understanding one another. An apple will fall over and over just feel the ground again. the gravity of our day is heavy and could understand. let's field the world until this day lengthens or falls short. but until then one is given the keys to this House and i hand them to Cindy. the dust of this earth holds on to someone who can understand.
Monday, May 6, 2024
A False Race of Shape Shifters
there are a million years to one offense in Heaven that those who use a familiar spirit to enter into someone's house to gain knowledge, or to steal information, harass, or worship their own self-image, as a false idol, or someone who would show up as other people the disguise themself as Angels of light, then being their self while in the Spirit of God. that lets that moment in to expose themselves to a liar and false idol. they make themselves look like movie stars, people of that nature, they wait for a time that shows another coming in Spirit and use the essence of others while they leave in Spirit. God would not make a race that shapes shifts. or what good would that do? God's creation is made pure, and all of my creation is to make what is God. and i wouldn't make a race that shapeshifts knowing that they would be hated.
The living Speak as the Dead Ask Forgiveness
Son of the Dajjal
the Anti Messiah will anticipate the Coming of the Messiah in South America.
It's Harder to Stay on Time than to be on Time
Cleansing of Your Court
the just hand of God is not just a tool but a Label of God's reincarnation that is given to those who are renewed in the spirit and rewarded at heart for the things that you may receive within this time that has been given to all in Spirit so that what was good can now be kept alive in the man's flesh for this time is at hand for the last days to reunite those who were given to the Lord so that one can be free in the afterworld on Mars. if our crimes are found to be indebtment or location-bound? then no but if you would stay behind with your crew then the minimal outcome is bound to happen, but to those whose debts had incurred with others who need someone's health (forgiveness) to beside their own return with a hand or gift at one's altar first, before you can even touch them or hear from them. you must pay attention when you apply your knowledge with your hand in trade if it is an eye for an eye then give what is needed only for one year of indebtment a whole year's wage can progress you into heaven again. no more than what you can give and no less. so that you can enter into Heaven. but if it is your hands that are needed then cut the other off so that you can still enter into a Heaven of lending hands that were cut off from themselves to help pay their debt off while their other hand is the skilled hand in labor that makes twice the amount of an unskilled hand in labor let one be given to another while in debt while the other hand stood by his side as to stay together on earth and in Heaven when that time return back to labeling someone who is of sin when the Heavens above had covered us up with a string of web that turned time back against itself as the times we have taken forward to the first and second hand of time is the small hand where the center of our universe and remains above as it does below and the big hand is outer space where it is 10 times faster than the hour at hand. for what is slower than a day at hand is to be a year beside each in hand, northern and southern hemispheres where it takes a whole year in the center of our universe to be alike to the center of our world which is the northern and southern hemispheres that takes one whole day per year returning within our outer earth, where a quarter sets between two seasons
Sunday, May 5, 2024
The Wooden Reeds of Wind and Fire
The Event Horizon is a Cave in Birth
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Wind Wood
Wind Wood was a small seed that grew to be as large and larger than the largest tree that was in this world becoming small again as this seed was placed here on Hearth the Heavenly Earth and started to expand and outreach to one another. they are the smallest of seeds that had been tossed far away from its family tree underneath Me (Shadey) who is the caregiver of this garden. and who has become Sataness through this blessing that will overcome our need to breed again in time to understand God's will.
The Beast of this Field is Growing
do not look back for others who may return, only search for those ahead of you who have seen the likes of their kind swallow the whole cookie (child). When the forest was still, the wind blew the Heaven's door open in hand and God did pick up every family tree that was swallowed by God to be its own infancy that had been to nil for this day, for their time is not upon ours but a day that will take from its own children the mark of this beast that is called the New World Order.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Spirit of God's Day Ahead of Her Body
give the enemy time to become your friend and he will return as he did before they knew who they were. and no matter where or when they are at only truth can sin one time. it is the corruption of one's system that had blinded them to see within and without one eye to live in Heaven and the other to live on earth as one sight that was given four two. Wisdom is grace that has given us time to believe one more time in ourselves for the last days to be as the sun in Heaven and on Earth half in and half out. where we belonged. i had swallowed the Book of Righteousness and in my belly, it was sweet to sour and on these days i had saved the days of these times that were lost. but no there are found through grace in the spirit of God for everybody to receive what was Roger's God and who was to be the strongest God in Heaven. but not perceive themselves as Roger's God until to were late. and no other will seal their God above my day that held on to you and i in life, as well in death, for us to not see this happen before we would understand. and if you eat from this tree before dying in the darkest gardens of Heaven where the dark waters separate with the clear waters of the future where only the women stand guard and create what is to be the path of God that was laid down before us as we were today given through the light of God's Kingdom that holds to the last and first generation of God's Grand Children. that stood guard alone reciting this Native American Indian's prophecy that became the true coming of a new beginning that God had told Roger R. Grant two days after Easter at 18:00 Mountain Time where the first Heaven began without a time or upon an alien of true measure that i have been given to unravel the mysteries of God's true creation on the fifth and sixth day. which is today to be in our hands as one's owns child of the day to be caught up into life as from death and to be caught in this rapture that will be as quick as the eye can blink. it will be so spontaneous that no one would know what even happened.
The Bruised Hill of the Snake
there is only one time that can call Me out of the Heavens. for whom is the womb of the earth the Mother of all Mountains that have moved this world from whence becoming Her Bosom. the Depths of Her Heart enjoined with the Highest of Mountains that had become man's Hill bruised (Black Hills) when the Head of this snake had been crushed by the foot of the enemy, wounded, and still had lived for what had died once before in us on Earth and in Heaven. for who was born to be alive in Heaven as it will be on earth. the Republican (Representative of Heaven) will return back to Rome (Ceasar), and the Democrat, a Votery of God and the Elect of Representation through the Elections of God that serves the government and the peace of this country through as a voice of their people. the last beast came out from the waters of earth that had no wind, breath, or voice four years. the world dried up because there was no voice, peace, or Word of God until the rains came upon this earth and gave the first beast the light and darkness so this world could freeze dry the wind and have dry ice fall unto the surface of our atmosphere skipping in and out of a trail of permafrost. The Lord brought a Prophet to speak to the people and to the nations and the man was Roger R. Grant, who was the gravity of God's word that brought forth this universe together as a fire of light upon the Swords of God's army. crushing their enemy underfoot and singing the songs of freedom and a New World Order.
the Republican (Representative of Heaven) will return back to Rome (Ceasar), and the Democrat, a Votery of God and the Elect of Representation through the Elections of God that serves the government and the peace of this country as a voice of thier people.
ðŸŽThe Blues
"Only God can inspire the blues within you to be as happy as you are sad."
Thursday, May 2, 2024
One Covenant in Heaven is as it will be on Earth
The Force of Common Law
The Beast in Witch Sweeps Across Heaven
Jay Black and, Thad Tidwell and his Father, had mapped out the new foundation of this new explored congregation towards man kind and its own enemy. who i believe are twins of the same form, same hand and same man that we were formed into or molded from our own born who receive this blessing at hand, or in the side of protection that becomes a thorn when highly valued. we are first born to atom the new beginning of today that had been given one time in chance to give what was or to become abducted in the night crying is the blessing of a Deamon Which can change or shapeshift or give your life unto death, "or just give this blessing into another hand of a witch than curse you unto the day i have died." said Lordess Baba Yaga. "No more curses and no more children abducted into the night for what was Roger's will stay in his hands forever. said the terror of one's own haunting nightmare unfolding.
My Hand is Upon Their Day
the sin of Heaven is never knowing ever flowing going out into the sea where another must die to receive this blessing that was given to Me. those who deny my knowledge already had destroyed their own world and forced their own children to die under the sword for their men cowards and ran to live freely without their newborn children seeing a day of happiness. can you save them? i heard. yes, their children live in that day but will never hear about the "WAR IN THE DARNKNESS FROM THEIRS IS THE TARGET OF THE FATHERS WILL. I will come down upon these children that cannot see STRAIGHT AND I WILL I WILL DIE AS WELL." said their God. so, their God has spoken. but our God had spoken before their God had replied, and what is our is the distance of life and the sun of every season that starts the day with three rains and three days apart.
This is Your Sentence
the day has upset the sky and times that are given to Me without understanding. for their whole world will perish, for mocking my kindness. they will live nowhere else but here. they are infected with something other worldly. i am your father in Heaven as it is on earth, and never will i call them anything else but murders who are trying to kill someone else's children.
Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)
Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...
One God is Allah the Lord of All Heavenly names. the Judge of Heaven on Earth. the flash of light given instantaneously without reason or t...
the fall of man had become the daughters of Men, and a place in Heaven long ago before today. a time ago before then. and what was made from...
today we are Satan's Stand in trial of our own mistakes, that can not heal the public or even ourselves. we disguise ourselves in the li...