Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Day of Jihad is the Day of Righteousness

When You Do Not Know God  

you fight the false prophets with lies that doctrine you from the old bible unto the new testament of God who returned in All their children until the one who is God shall return and be persecuted and suffer for one who We had made into God. the One and Only True God and Father of Heaven.

those with knowledge will be persecuted for my name's sake who were thought to be False Prophets of God but were God's own children in faith, which is the same faith in God Almighty today.

 God sent a stone that brought back the shining Stone of Kabba that was blackened as a mark of shame upon those who had come down steadfast from Heaven and will be seen among the inhabitants of this earth and among them they inherit this world and give to the Jinn what was due among the four Deities that cast down the stars above as to those who had already been watching out for a sign that brings the righteous to shine within the darkness that spirits our world unto death were called up unto Heaven that is on earth from a corner and gravestone that rises and descends into what was consumed from the Kabba or the table that was left open for its guests a restoration of One God only who has been marked for death will destroy that in which comes to reject the one that is called the Beast, False Prophet, and DiJinn, who is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the incarnation of the Dajjal, who is a genie and a servant and Lantern of God that shows you the Light of God within yourself that falls unto Heaven with one wish to mankind. and those who safeguard this light keep the stars in Heaven above shining bright at night when Allah the creator renews everything forgotten and given to those who have given to Us today that misleads the Enemies of God into warring with themselves. so keep your faith strong and listen to the one that has returned in God's name. always listen to those who bring the Love of God among those who disbelieved on earth as they did in Heaven when the Lord Grant opens the sky for all in Heaven to return unto Hearth the Heavenly Earth that holds five trees centered to its garden. shall be my House and those who loved Me then shall still love now. and the gods that did not root in faith will die at the roadside and become servants of God and serve those on earth as it was in Heaven.

The Mother and Father of Heaven

---------------------------- Obligations to Justice ---------------------------

because of the timing and those who had misled themselves into believing a hidden doctrine that had been counterfeited from then and back unto now as one that had changed the Words of God written in this book, so they destroyed Us four of these times that will be our last calling in Heaven as it was then and what will be now so that a new Race of Human (aliens) that is harbored on this planet in Southern Mexico will have the same copy of this book that i have written 200 years ago without any changes and without my family being erased from these very words that i have written for all of mankind to receive and come together with one marriage and one family that covers the midnight sky with the stars of hope and change that is given back to the Women' who is old and young their honor and the stars at night that cover the bottom of Her feet with grains of sand that match the stars above; that sun and moon and the world given back to Her once again at Her feet. and beside Her, the very flesh of God's Word that is in Man that had broken dreams mended in that day that they had returned back unto Hearth the Heavenly earth where they began as Atom and Eve; Roger and Carolyn and Her Sister Patsy with Her siter Lucielle Ball will rule the Heaven's above on Earth four, five hundred years among five divisions and dimension of God's Heavenly coordinate to the stars above, and as the eighth and ninth planet collide they become the Islands of Hade during this time that i coordinate with the Prisons on Hearth as i wear a white collar and a black suit to journeyman with the Catholic Church up into outer space where the Heavens above are the material worlds that Satan (Roger) owns indeed. 

The Abomination of God's Temple (Telepathy)

 a sinner speaks perverse without harmony, openly in the Temple of God. uncovering all things that are not good in Me. this sinner is the abomination of God's account past due. they focus on their settlement in pride while they are hiding from those who have authority and who they had done wrong and speaking to them with a disembodied voice. they are always impatient in God's temple, and they will always lie in anger hoping that people would believe them who are without conviction or never understanding in Spirit to God Almighty who are God's Children.  

The Sinner and Abomination of Christ

 if you are not happy in the spirit of christ. then you are sinning as every good thing passes you by.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

No Self to Live

if we have no self or preservation then we would have no soul for the Spirit of God to live within. the way we think is they we act towards each other in Christ as we have lived without her or himself separated unto death and oneself. as one positive becomes negative without yourself in all nature that is in Buddha's Spirit as to have what God has given to Us all who has given to themself the Spirit of God unto the earthly body "that in which God serves for its people to prepare what was a sacrifice onto many but onto oneself the act of abolishment to our own Soul that now resides within ourselves to be Oneself in God' who are thierselves in Us today." said Chief Gordon Ramsey

Those Who are Evil serve God the Father in Heaven

 the First to die is the Last one seen in Heaven. as the days were of evil and were given to Roger to hold and until We this people had guided us back unto home. our BIG HOME (Our Small🌏) where HOME is home and where God had been our promise years ago. those who can see the footprints of God remain in Heaven above but for our day at hand you are in comfort our own child. 

The Last One Seen is the Last Watz in Heaven

The Last Seen is the Last Waltz Forever

 today is a new freedom a beginning for all mankind to do the same thing as we had done before today in the turbulence of God's pressure that is released until the time has been lifted and stable, to our new independence and to our ability to give what God has given to Us. 

This is Who We Are (Angels of God's Heaven)

 The gravity of loving God has kept us to earth for this time that comes as no surprise to Me, but it is you that i have come for since the beginning of time that had faith Me, who had faith in themselves as they had faith in God. Who was beside Me all this time. even the prayers of Angels can be heard in this book for all to remain translucent for God. for Her Who is our God; the Mother, and for Him who is God the Father of God and Heaven the vast oceans of Heaven above that hold us down to earth for each other and for one another. Amen.

One Sin a Day (1000 Years)

we get only one sin a day anything else would only be forgotten. and if you shall sin the same sin again then you will be a sinner without sin until you answer the heart of God's secrecy with a Vow of Honor towards the person you had sinned against. until you make your wrongs right. then sin will always have your back.

The Fifth World is the Spiritual World

 the body is the subject of matter and if your right hand has sinned one time then there is a chance to be forgiven. i Roger Grant have made sin a forbidden fruit so that we can only sin once a day. and before we had died along with the world a fifth time i gave that day to the saving hand of God and that had died five times but was given a chance to make up for that one chance that we all cling on to four others that hold on to the last of our grip. and as of this day we are half in and half out of the day that had already destroyed our own souls that could not care for God that had returned and had given to us a Heaven a World and My Word that becomes flesh from the start of one breath ending in the spirit of death in the Spirit of God that was created at one time for one chance to repent unto those who will forget that someday that could be in Heaven together who is found to be onto our time that is built from the times that stood in the sins of them before us and for Us to be given to our own Heaven above where the clouds touch the tops of our mountain with forgiveness, but not for another sacrifice and fallen Angel that have been saving arse for 36 years and 36 times for every time there is a time to be forgiven to show that there is a chance for us to believe and start again.

The Day of Jihad is the Day of Righteousness

When You Do Not Know God   you fight the false prophets with lies that doctrine you from the old bible unto the new testament of God who ret...