Thursday, August 29, 2024

Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)

Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you know and persecuted Me you hated along with a team of prejudiced staff to make a man die before the living was good. i will be framed and then persecuted the first for they could not set this day straight and their time was to fight and place Me in the dark cell that can only be persecuted by God;. and if any man stands between God and justice they pay the full load of the people they had done and the people will to Me in Hell that is the one who persecuted us together without a jury or a paid suspect to tail the justified party. and if any man with authority betrays their countrymen then they will fall twice as hard to what they had done to innocent people. do not forgive these people or plead guilty to their title they will go down into and i will say. when we were young we never needed anything because our parents took care of us, but now that we don't have them we have learned to persecute good people for your enjoyment they say it was definitely Him who signed a warrant to a false arrest. and i can never forgive someone so careless as to take another man's freedom just to enslave a good people that had never done anyone wrong.

to forgive someone and then take it back. don't forgive anyone that does wrong or how are we going to change,

let the Pen be mightier than a sword.. and let us talk before we war.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Time is Never Moving from Today

Cross Top Mountain, Tularusa New Mexico

 a Godly impression of a vision upon the land that had stumbled unto yesterday and now today that day may come again. an impression of two giants fighting a star above the mountain a giant much bigger than they were and hiding behind boulders as stones were cast down unto them and they lit that mountaintop on fire a lamb sled down from that mountain top and into the arms of a large black dog that guarded Her.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Light of the Giantess

 i saw a bright star in the midnight sky. it looked like a giant spirit of a person walking around in the desert and it had a bright giant orb that had turned back towards me i went. i went to get the camera and as i did i asked if it could hold on? and then she asked if you could talk, i said yes, i got my camera (cell), and came out biut she wasn't there but i spoke out in that general direction as that is when began to speak she said something like this "the light will be seen but the sound will not be heard at all." and  Me being the spirit had said will it hit us? there was a pause at the same time i was praying that it would not hit us. and said no it will not hit you. i then said thank you Lord thankyou Mother.

Do Not Covet (Unforgiven Sin)

Scotty Key's will be down on earth and will lose more than his. and call out to God say why have i done wrong? and they will say you kno...